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 mixup 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 混合(混合物)

    1. On the tape, the voice identified as Easter's insisted that the bad check charge is a mixup and asks an extra day to straighten it out.
    2. Earlier testimony showed that a mixup by air traffic officials delayed Flight 1713's takeoff by minutes, but no conclusions were drawn on whether that had any role in the crash.
    3. A mixup in communications left him in three-days of scorching heat with three canteens of water.
    4. Lotto officials said the station told them a technical mixup caused numbers from the April 12 drawing to appear by mistake.
    5. Last August, a 70-year-old woman died of heart failure after a two-hour wait for an ambulance and three calls to EMS by friends and relatives. Officials blamed a dispatching mixup and a shortage of units for the delay.
    6. A mixup in which the caskets of two victims of last month's Pan Am jetliner bombing were shipped to the wrong cities was straightened out and the remains returned to the right families.
    7. Barry Yee translated to the crowd outside, trying to explain the mixup.
    8. Breen blames the FAA for the mixup.
    9. The Federal Aviation Administration began investigating the incident involving Flight 1240 after inquiries by the Durango Herald, which reported the mixup.
    10. Graves' disease, which afflicts four in every 1,000 people, is an inherited disorder caused by a mixup in the body's disease-fighting immune system. The body produces antibodies that mistakenly attack the thyroid gland as an enemy.
    11. Ms. Johnson's relatives were an hour from burying the body they thought was hers Sunday when FBI agents informed them of the mixup.
    12. "There was a mixup," said the Rev. Peter Dora, spokesman for the archdiocese.
    13. A General Electric official acknowledged Thursday that no records exist to prove a serial number mixup wasn't responsible for a faulty engine part placed in the United Airlines DC-10 that crashed July 19.
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