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 mineral chameleon 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 高锰酸钾

    Mineral \Min"er*al\, a.
    1. Of or pertaining to minerals; consisting of a mineral or
    of minerals; as, a mineral substance.

    2. Impregnated with minerals; as, mineral waters.

    {Mineral acids} (Chem.), inorganic acids, as sulphuric,
    nitric, phosphoric, hydrochloric, acids, etc., as
    distinguished from the {organic acids}.

    {Mineral blue}, the name usually given to azurite, when
    reduced to an impalpable powder for coloring purposes.

    {Mineral candle}, a candle made of paraffin.

    {Mineral caoutchouc}, an elastic mineral pitch, a variety of
    bitumen, resembling caoutchouc in elasticity and softness.
    See {Caoutchouc}, and {Elaterite}.

    {Mineral chameleon} (Chem.) See {Chameleon mineral}, under

    {Mineral charcoal}. See under {Charcoal}.

    {Mineral cotton}. See {Mineral wool} (below).

    {Mineral green}, a green carbonate of copper; malachite.

    {Mineral kingdom} (Nat. Sci.), that one of the three grand
    divisions of nature which embraces all inorganic objects,
    as distinguished from plants or animals.

    {Mineral oil}. See {Naphtha}, and {Petroleum}.

    {Mineral paint}, a pigment made chiefly of some natural
    mineral substance, as red or yellow iron ocher.

    {Mineral patch}. See {Bitumen}, and {Asphalt}.

    {Mineral right}, the right of taking minerals from land.

    {Mineral salt} (Chem.), a salt of a mineral acid.

    {Mineral tallow}, a familiar name for {hatchettite}, from its
    fatty or spermaceti-like appearance.

    {Mineral water}. See under {Water}.

    {Mineral wax}. See {Ozocerite}.

    {Mineral wool}, a fibrous wool-like material, made by blowing
    a powerful jet of air or steam through melted slag. It is
    a poor conductor of heat.

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