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 mind-set 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 思想的形式

    [ noun ]
    a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations

    1. "He's in control, it's his little world," says his wife, Carole Adrienne, who uses her psychology training to analyze the hacker mind-set.
    2. He also has the kind of get-it-over-with mind-set displayed in the initial air barrage.
    3. And he sought to change the mind-set of employees used to rigid discipline and taking orders.
    4. Writing from "within the horizon of Latin Catholic history," he constructs a grammar that goes a long way toward linking such North American traits as efficiency and progress to the cultural and moral values of the Latin mind-set.
    5. Having started the process of cost cutting earlier than most of its continental European rivals, Akzo's management mind-set should be well adjusted to the task.
    6. Chicago burned down and then Chicago built itself up again, at the same time building a myth and helping construct the mind-set that people could tame, harness and eventually triumph over nature itself.
    7. But for that to happen, the legal profession would have to put the national good over personal self-interest, a mind-set for which the optimistic Mr. Olson offers scant testimony. st Another contentious topic is expert witnesses.
    8. For we are dealing not with one drug, but with a mind-set that has grown up in the 25 years since the FDA was charged with judging new drugs on not only safety but also efficacy.
    9. "If they want to expand their business in the U.S. beyond New York," he says, "they must get away from the mind-set of appealing to Jews and other people sympathetic to Israel.
    10. Indeed, the fiscal legacy of that policy mind-set is set to provide the markets with their next big disciplinary opportunity. Loose fiscal policy is now generating a mountain of debt in the public sectors of the developed world.
    11. And in a signal that he is moving aggressively to change that mind-set, Mr. Buffett said he is designating each firm employee as his or her own compliance officer.
    12. But it takes more than legislation to reverse a 200-year-old mind-set of inferiority that plagues many in the black community, Brown said.
    13. The company adopted that approach, says Mr. Brickley, "even though it was a big change in mind-set," and a new version of the same product has been developed "much more successfully."
    14. The most telling commentary on the Bork lynching, though, is Mr. Bush's success in garnering votes by running against precisely the mind-set the Bork foes represented.
    15. I have been in the tobacco business for nearly 20 years and have seen the USDA price our crops out of the world market simply by using that childish mind-set of increased price-support levels year after year.
    16. Probably a handful at most unless there is a complete rotation of US mind-set on wine. Wine that sells in north America is either very cheap, very expensive, or regarded as a medicine.
    17. The most useful aspect of Mr. Neely's book is his explication of the mind-set of an appellate judge.
    18. There were socialists everywhere, in all societies and, even in the face of the evidence that continues to accumulate, there are many who still cannot escape from the socialist mind-set.
    19. It's a mind-set that doesn't change.
    20. The investments and linkups are helping to change the mind-set of Western Europe's procurement officers.
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