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 meshing 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 啮合

  1. The cogs don't quite mesh.
  2. Gear teeth in mesh.

[ noun ]
  1. contact by fitting together

  2. <noun.event>
    the engagement of the clutch
    the meshing of gears
  3. an open fabric of string or rope or wire woven together at regular intervals

  4. <noun.artifact>
  5. the act of interlocking or meshing

  6. <noun.act>
    an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check

Mesh \Mesh\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Meshed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To catch in a mesh. --Surrey.

  1. 'Secrets', written by Rava, opened with a wiry bass solo from Bo Stieff set against the meshing cymbals of Jon Hiseman, giving way to more fat notes from the trumpeter.
  2. As for how Loral and Ford Aerospace operations are meshing, Mr. Schwartz says that "they're almost completely integrated into the Loral structure.
  3. The costly move, which was taken without union bargaining, shows that more than a year after it acquired Republic, Northwest is still having trouble meshing its two employee groups.
  4. Analysts predicted Nokia will make savings by meshing the two companies' product lines, research teams and sales forces.
  5. Carter Young, the company's marketing executive, says redistricting was an obvious diversification, since both voting patterns and school busing involve meshing population figures with maps.
  6. Still, meshing different accounting and regulatory standards, even after a banking scandal has shown the need for uniformity, won't be easy.
  7. Thousands of details remain to be worked out in the coming months, ranging from placating Soviet objections to NATO membership for the joined country to meshing the two legal systems.
  8. Some analysts see the proposed merger as a good fit, meshing Bell Resources' strong balance sheet and investment income with Bell Group's trading assets, which will provide cash flow that Bell Resources lacks.
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