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 mantel ['mæntәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 壁炉架

    [ noun ]
    shelf that projects from wall above fireplace
    in Britain they call a mantel a chimneypiece

    Mantel \Man"tel\, n. [The same word as mantle a garment; cf. F.
    manteau de chemin['e]e. See {Mantle}.] (Arch.)
    The finish around a fireplace, covering the chimney-breast in
    front and sometimes on both sides; especially, a shelf above
    the fireplace, and its supports. The shelf is called also a
    {mantelpiece} or {mantlepiece}. [Written also {mantle}.]

    1. When the statistics laid the exalted mantel of extreme livability on Pittsburgh, a city once known as "hell with the lid off," even Rand McNally didn't believe it at first.
    2. Place two candlesticks on a mantel.
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