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 mama ['mɑ:mә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 妈妈

    [ noun ]
    1. informal terms for a mother

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a name under which Ninkhursag was worshipped

    4. <noun.person>

    Ninhursag \Ninhursag\ prop. n. (Sumerian mythology)
    The great mother goddess in Sumerian mythology, worshipped
    also as {Aruru} and {Mama} and {Nintu}.

    Syn: Ninkhursag, Ninkharsag.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    Mama \Ma*ma"\, n.
    See {Mamma}.

    Mamma \Mam*ma"\, n. [Reduplicated from the infantine word ma,
    influenced in spelling by L. mamma.]
    Mother; -- word of tenderness and familiarity. [Written also

    Tell tales papa and mamma. --Swift.

    1. But his mama was tougher." Another customer at the Scoreboard: "One-eyed Shirley Parker once put out a cigarette in a guy's ear.
    2. "Who's that, mama?" asked the blue-eyed girl in a red corduroy smock with Winnie the Pooh on the front, tossing her ponytail.
    3. East Germany has had a mama (he makes the motion of lifting out a breast to give suck) who can feed it.
    4. Williams says that as one of "mama's pets," he was drawn toward all kinds of writing and speaking anthologies and plays.
    5. "The happiest moments of my life are when my daddy and mama don't fight and we live together happily as a family," she said.
    6. Gone were the trademark bow tie, the apple cheeks, the mama's-boy haircut.
    7. Henri, longing to rebel against his formidable mama but lacking the courage to do so, does not want to stay in Poland and not all the Poles want to have him.
    8. Bebe Bowers Fingall, a high school English teacher called "mama" by her students, helped hone Williams' competitive spirit and self-confidence.
    9. So is the so-called "education mama," the prototypical Japanese mother who relentlessly pushes her children to achieve.
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