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 magnetic fluid 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Fluid \Flu"id\, n.
    A fluid substance; a body whose particles move easily among

    Note: Fluid is a generic term, including liquids and gases as
    species. Water, air, and steam are fluids. By analogy,
    the term was sometimes applied to electricity and
    magnetism, as in phrases electric fluid, magnetic
    fluid, though not strictly appropriate; such usage has
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    {Fluid dram}, or {Fluid drachm}, a measure of capacity equal
    to one eighth of a fluid ounce.

    {Fluid ounce}.
    (a) In the United States, a measure of capacity, in
    apothecaries' or wine measure, equal to one sixteenth of
    a pint or 29.57 cubic centimeters. This, for water, is
    about 1.04158 ounces avoirdupois, or 455.6 grains.
    (b) In England, a measure of capacity equal to the twentieth
    part of an imperial pint. For water, this is the weight
    of the avoirdupois ounce, or 437.5 grains.

    {Fluids of the body}. (Physiol.) The circulating blood and
    lymph, the chyle, the gastric, pancreatic, and intestinal
    juices, the saliva, bile, urine, aqueous humor, and muscle
    serum are the more important fluids of the body. The
    tissues themselves contain a large amount of combined
    water, so much, that an entire human body dried in vacuo
    with a very moderate degree of heat gives about 66 per
    cent of water.

    {Burning fluid}, {Elastic fluid}, {Electric fluid}, {Magnetic
    fluid}, etc. See under {Burning}, {Elastic}, etc.

    Magnetic \Mag*net"ic\, Magnetical \Mag*net"ic*al\, a. [L.
    magneticus: cf. F. magn['e]tique.]
    1. Pertaining to the magnet; possessing the properties of the
    magnet, or corresponding properties; as, a magnetic bar of
    iron; a magnetic needle.

    2. Of or pertaining to, or characterized by, the earth's
    magnetism; as, the magnetic north; the magnetic meridian.

    3. Capable of becoming a magnet; susceptible to magnetism;
    as, the magnetic metals.

    4. Endowed with extraordinary personal power to excite the
    feelings and to win the affections; attractive; inducing

    She that had all magnetic force alone. --Donne.

    5. Having, susceptible to, or induced by, animal magnetism,
    so called; hypnotic; as, a magnetic sleep. See
    {Magnetism}. [Archaic]
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    {Magnetic amplitude}, {attraction}, {dip}, {induction}, etc.
    See under {Amplitude}, {Attraction}, etc.

    {Magnetic battery}, a combination of bar or horseshoe magnets
    with the like poles adjacent, so as to act together with
    great power.

    {Magnetic compensator}, a contrivance connected with a ship's
    compass for compensating or neutralizing the effect of the
    iron of the ship upon the needle.

    {Magnetic curves}, curves indicating lines of magnetic force,
    as in the arrangement of iron filings between the poles of
    a powerful magnet.

    {Magnetic elements}.
    (a) (Chem. Physics) Those elements, as iron, nickel,
    cobalt, chromium, manganese, etc., which are capable
    or becoming magnetic.
    (b) (Physics) In respect to terrestrial magnetism, the
    declination, inclination, and intensity.
    (c) See under {Element}.

    {Magnetic fluid}, the hypothetical fluid whose existence was
    formerly assumed in the explanations of the phenomena of
    magnetism; -- no longer considered a meaningful concept.

    {Magnetic iron}, or {Magnetic iron ore}. (Min.) Same as

    {Magnetic needle}, a slender bar of steel, magnetized and
    suspended at its center on a sharp-pointed pivot, or by a
    delicate fiber, so that it may take freely the direction
    of the magnetic meridian. It constitutes the essential
    part of a compass, such as the mariner's and the

    {Magnetic poles}, the two points in the opposite polar
    regions of the earth at which the direction of the dipping
    needle is vertical.

    {Magnetic pyrites}. See {Pyrrhotite}.

    {Magnetic storm} (Terrestrial Physics), a disturbance of the
    earth's magnetic force characterized by great and sudden

    {Magnetic telegraph}, a telegraph acting by means of a
    magnet. See {Telegraph}.

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