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 lubricant ['lu:brikənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 润滑的

n. 润滑物, 润滑油, 润滑剂

[化] 润滑剂

[医] 润滑的, 润滑剂

  1. A thick oil or viscous substance, especially when used as a lubricant.
  2. The sort of lubricant which we use depends largely on the running speed of the bearing.

[ noun ]
a substance capable of reducing friction by making surfaces smooth or slippery

Lubricant \Lu"bri*cant\, n.
That which lubricates; specifically, a substance, as oil,
grease, graphite, etc., used for reducing the friction of the
working parts of machinery.

Lubricant \Lu"bri*cant\, a. [L. lubricans, p. pr. of lubricare,
See {Lubricate}.]

  1. Mobil Corp. plans to make use of its ties to the project in marketing a special synthetic engine lubricant it developed for the plane.
  2. According to the Air Force, of 80 B-1B's receiving the final safety inspection so far, 70 showed insufficient lubricant levels inside that gear box.
  3. The lubricant, used in inks and textiles and sold under the brand name Kromfax, produces lethal mustard gas when combined with hydrochloric acid.
  4. He said he regards humor as a form of aggression yet a powerful social lubricant.
  5. Beef tallow also is used in paint, as a lubricant, in some plastics and some cosmetics, said Roger Mandigo, an animal science professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  6. Automakers also say they are having trouble finding a lubricant that can stand up to 134-A, and that tests to ensure the substance carries no health risks won't be complete in time to meet the Vermont deadline.
  7. A spokesman for Calumet, an oil and lubricant refiner, said the company couldn't specify the size of the loss.
  8. It also has a small lubricant plant in Hamburg-Grassbrook.
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