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 locution [lәu'kju:ʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 语言表达方式, 语言风格

    [ noun ]
    a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations
    pardon the expression

    Locution \Lo*cu"tion\ (l[-o]*k[=u]"sh[u^]n), n. [L. locutio, fr.
    loqui to speak: cf. F. locution. ]
    Speech or discourse; a phrase; a form or mode of expression.
    `` Stumbling locutions.'' --G. Eliot.

    I hate these figures in locution,
    These about phrases forced by ceremony. --Marston.

    1. Characters rush in and out from screen left or right, the soundtrack surges with full-orchestra music, and hanging over all like a deus praesens is the 'Faith and begob' school of Irish locution.
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