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 locations 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Do you know the locations of the British Isles?
  2. In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.

  1. A lengthy investigation by U.S., Italian and Canadian law enforcement authorities resulted in the arrests on Monday at seven locations in the city and on Long Island, law enforcement officials said.
  2. It also covers provisions for the closing of Gitano retail stores that aren't in outlet locations.
  3. More than 2.2 million people were registered, but voting was concentrated at a few locations, and many in the countryside had to travel more than 20 miles to cast ballots.
  4. They charged the government has issued two conflicting lists of polling locations and districts which could allow people to vote twice.
  5. "Usually isolated locations were disturbed by aircraft and people" while "noise pollution" on marine band radios from spill cleanup activities made monitoring marine channels difficult and unpleasant, the report stated.
  6. An alternative is a later competitor, 'New Leaf' (Shin Yeh), which has several locations in Taipei.
  7. The accord, signed in Kourou, French Guiana, says the rebels will not be disarmed but instead withdraw to three locations until they are later enlisted in a special police unit, the Dutch reports said.
  8. They recommend installing protective lighting, closed-circuit televisions, access controls and sealed windows in vulnerable locations.
  9. Iraq has shifted vital equipment from factories making armaments and chemical weapons to secret locations for security reasons, the rebel Kurdish group said Thursday.
  10. Presley's estate has filed similar lawsuits in other concert locations and settled most of them out of court, Brickman said.
  11. The union also rejects Canada Post's demands to increase part-time staff and move employees to different locations.
  12. This scenario of high costs and a potentially stroppy workforce undoubtedly deters some companies from investing in the country. This factor has even persuaded some businesses that are already there to switch to less expensive locations.
  13. Klein said the new equipment would be able to look at 1,000 different stars that are thought to be similar to the Earth's sun, locations that experts believe hold the best chance for the evolution of life.
  14. Seventy police officers searched 15 locations around Germany on Monday for evidence that could link Schalck to $162 million missing from East German coffers.
  15. Comex has 32 certified firms, with warehouses in 43 locations in the U.S. where copper can be stored for delivery against exchange contracts, an exchange spokeswoman said.
  16. Most are believed to have been laid by Iran and some by Iraq, officers say, but neither country has provided data on the locations.
  17. HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT prevails in 1,565 U.S. locations listed by the Labor Department for the current fiscal year, down from 1,601 places a year ago.
  18. Ms. Harr said the class will plot the locations on a map to learn about whale migration.
  19. Power is also part of a joint-venture retail development at Two Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and is seeking more retail locations in U.S. cities, Mr. Leonard said.
  20. In the US local manufacturers are benefiting most from the upturn. Japanese manufacturers have responded to the pressure by shifting production out of Japan to lower cost manufacturing locations.
  21. The Rio Grande River was out of its banks near Presidio and Lajitas, and was still rising at several other locations.
  22. Hilton said Fernandez must be allowed to mention the names of the CIA programs and that substituting numbers for names of the three CIA locations was not acceptable.
  23. The Pittsburgh-based USW represents about 4,000 Reynolds employees at 21 locations in the United States and Canada and about 6,000 Alcoa employees at nine locations in the United States.
  24. The Pittsburgh-based USW represents about 4,000 Reynolds employees at 21 locations in the United States and Canada and about 6,000 Alcoa employees at nine locations in the United States.
  25. Three men and four juveniles, including a girl, were arrested late Saturday and early Sunday at various locations, police Sgt. Bill Sharp said.
  26. The two purchases added 11 of Roadway's 19 current locations.
  27. Still, the stores are lured by growing Halloween business; at its busiest locations, National Theme sells as much as $5,000 a square foot on an annualized basis.
  28. He is far more interested in Moscow's black market: the illicit trade in Marlboros, porn videos, spare parts, you name it, that is conducted nightly at various unspecified locations along the city's ring road.
  29. The Soviet teams had between four and 48 hours after their arrival to notify U.S. authorities which of five locations they intended to inspect, and Pease said they met that deadline with the selection of Fort Sill.
  30. Police investigators on Wednesday searched five locations, including Mito's home, the offce of Chiyoda Finance and a New Japan Securities Co.'s branch office in Tokyo, where Mito allegedly bought the shares under a woman's name.
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