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 lobe [lәub]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 叶, 耳垂, 裂片

[医] 叶

    [ noun ]
    1. (anatomy) a somewhat rounded subdivision of a bodily organ or part

    2. <noun.body>
      ear lobe
    3. (botany) a part into which a leaf is divided

    4. <noun.plant>
    5. the enhanced response of an antenna in a given direction as indicated by a loop in its radiation pattern

    6. <noun.communication>
    7. a rounded projection that is part of a larger structure

    8. <noun.artifact>

    Lobe \Lobe\ (l[=o]b), n. [F. lobe, Gr. lobo`s.]
    Any projection or division, especially one of a somewhat
    rounded form; as:
    (a) (Bot.) A rounded projection or division of a leaf.
    (b) (Zo["o]l.) A membranous flap on the sides of the toes of
    certain birds, as the coot.
    (c) (Anat.) A round projecting part of an organ, as of the
    liver, lungs, brain, etc. See Illust. of {Brain}.
    (b) (Mach.) The projecting part of a cam wheel or of a
    non-circular gear wheel.

    {Lobe of the ear}, the soft, fleshy prominence in which the
    human ear terminates below, also called the {earlobe}.
    See. Illust. of {Ear}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. The new surgery would remove one lobe of a healthy person's liver and transplant it into an infant.
    2. Surgeons removed the left lobe of Mrs. Smith's liver, or about one-third of the organ.
    3. After the vessels supplying the lobe have been clamped off, it is filled with chilled liver-preservation solution.
    4. The new surgery would remove one lobe of a healthy person's liver and transplant it into an infant with kidney failure.
    5. Parenting Update Of all the problems Bothering Job, One of them wasn't His son's pierced lobe.
    6. Sarina remained in critical but stable condition Saturday evening, the day after doctors at the University of Chicago Medical Center removed the left lobe of 20-year-old father Robert Jones' liver and implanted it in the infant.
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