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 listening   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 听, 监听

a. 助听用的

    [ noun ]
    the act of hearing attentively
    you can learn a lot by just listeningthey make good music--you should give them a hearing

    Listen \Lis"ten\ (l[i^]s"'n), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Listened}
    (l[i^]s"'nd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Listening}.] [OE. listnen,
    listen, lustnen, lusten, AS. hlystan; akin to hlyst hearing,
    OS. hlust, Icel. hlusta to listen, hlust ear, AS. hlosnian to
    wait in suspense, OHG. hlos[=e]n to listen, Gr. kly`ein, and
    E. loud. [root]41. See {Loud}, and cf. {List} to listen.]
    1. To give close attention with the purpose of hearing; to
    give ear; to hearken; to attend.

    When we have occasion to listen, and give a more
    particular attention to some sound, the tympanum is
    drawn to a more than ordinary tension. --Holder.

    2. To give heed; to yield to advice; to follow admonition; to

    Listen to me, and by me be ruled. --Tennyson.

    {To listen after}, to take an interest in. [Obs.]

    Soldiers note forts, armories, and magazines;
    scholars listen after libraries, disputations, and
    professors. --Fuller.

    Syn: To attend; hearken. See {Attend}.

    listening \listening\ n.
    the act of hearing attentively.

    Syn: hearing.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. As part of his research for the role of Lincoln in the NBC mini-series, "Gore Vidal's Lincoln" in March 1988, Sam Waterston spent two days at the folklife center listening to 1940s recordings of natives of the Smoky Mountains.
    2. After listening to Greenspan, Riegle, chairman of the securities subcommittee, said he was concerned about the bill's implications and was reconsidering his support.
    3. He had the packed sanctuary of his longtime pastorate, the historic Marble Collegiate Church, rolling with intermittant gales of laughter, applause and concentrated listening.
    4. Works like these were cheered by George Bernard Shaw, who during his decades as a sharp-eared music critic spent a lot of time clawing his beard listening to tepid music by the British "Mozart and a little water" school of academic composers.
    5. Mr. Bolger, whose firm has been polling for congressional candidates, says Mr. Bush's insistence that the country was already on the rebound gave voters the sense that he was "listening to the economists" instead of to the people.
    6. 'At its simplest, almost everything we do is either observing, listening, taking action or thinking.
    7. I was listening to this rhythm and thought this was the thing closest to black music I'd heard.
    8. Contrary to the popular image of music-crazed adolescents glued to their stereos, girls who took part in the study reported listening to music only 1.8 hours a week, compared with 1.2 hours a week among boys.
    9. Gaviria's victory in Sunday's election served as a warning to Colombia's political elite: Start listening to the people, and get ready for changes.
    10. "Here we are blaming him for listening to his constituency," says Richard Murphy, a former Mideast envoy for President Reagan.
    11. But if you see Paul Johnson on the Bakerloo line listening to Elgar on his CD-Walkman, you'll know it's all over.
    12. Watching and listening, he insists, remain as important as any part of a young conductor's training. There are other problems.
    13. "They'll have to outlaw radio before I quit listening," he said.
    14. The Nevada Supreme Court has refused to drop the rock group Judas Priest from a lawsuit filed on behalf of a youth who killed himself and another who attempted suicide after listening to the band's music.
    15. It specializes in antisubmarine warfare, especially towed sonar arrays, which are underwater listening devices towed behind Navy ships submarines and used to listen for enemy submarines.
    16. We, listening, are baffled - and, finally, heartbroken.
    17. He also ruled that the Globe's method of news gathering, including "listening to gossip in the bars and clubs of Palm Beach," was lawful.
    18. They will indulge Young's strange fantasy _ listening to a 300-pound piano crash to the ground from a hovering helicopter.
    19. The administration is "listening and learning" to what Congress proposes in the way of alternatives to finance the insurance program, said William Diefenderfer III, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.
    20. Kelly said American forces were "turning on all our looking, listening, and hearing devices to see if we can't pick" up Noriega.
    21. "I remember my father listening to the results on the radio," he recalls over a cup of coffee in a fancy Johannesburg hotel.
    22. For the voters, it means weeks of listening to charges and countercharges, and not a whole lot of meaningful dialogue about where any of these candidates want to take the country.
    23. But party line chatter, with two or three parties talking and several more secretly listening, was a popular rural recreation, long before electricity, television and even radio.
    24. They also started listening to the catalog's 30 million customers.
    25. But, unlike some foreign missions on Cyrpus, the embassy is not a major Middle East listening post. It occupies the top three floors of a five-storey office building next to a police station on Santa Rosa Street.
    26. President Reagan announced Thursday that he is recommending to Congress that the building be demolished because the Soviets installed listening devices.
    27. They're heavily used, and though I don't have statistics, it does sell records." On the convention floor among the makers of t-shirts, security devices and record racks, were several makers of instore listening systems.
    28. But nobody seems to be listening." With cold wars thawing everywhere, even America's two long-feuding teacher unions are talking peace.
    29. Many record stores used to have "listening booths" where customers could do this.
    30. "We know that sexual activity is rampant and that people of the group I'm talking about are not listening to us," he said.
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