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 linguistics [liŋ'gwistiks]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 语言学

    [ noun ]
    1. the scientific study of language

    2. <noun.cognition>
    3. the humanistic study of language and literature

    4. <noun.cognition>

    Linguistics \Lin*guis"tics\ (l[i^][ng]*gw[i^]s"t[i^]ks), n. [Cf.
    F. linguistique.]
    The science of languages, or of the origin, signification,
    and application of words; glossology.

    1. It is loaded with insights that could equally fit into books on abnormal psychiatry, industrial sociology, linguistics, anthropology and medieval history.
    2. Mehta, a naturalized American who holds degrees from Harvard and Oxford, has written books on history, theology and linguistics.
    3. The Soviet technicians will be escorted by U.S. missile technicians and specialists in linguistics and security.
    4. "Women might like it better than men," says Deborah Tannen, a Georgetown University linguistics professor who studies communications between men and women.
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