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 limousine ['limәzi:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 轿车

    [ noun ]
    large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur

    Limousine \Li`mou*sine"\, n. [Cf. F. limousine a kind of cloak,
    fr. Limousin, an old province in central France.]
    an elongated, luxurious automobile, designed to be driven by
    a chauffeur and often having a glass partition between the
    driver's seat and the passengers' compartment behind.

    Note: When intended for use in transporting businessmen, the
    limousine may be equipped with a telephone and other
    conveniences to permit work during travel. Limousines
    are often rented for travel to and from airports, and
    as a luxurious perquisite on special occasions, as
    weddings or school prm nights. Originally (1913) the
    term referred to an automobile body with seats and
    permanent top like a coup['e], and with the top
    projecting over the driver and a projecting front, or
    an automobile with such a body.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

    1. The president's limousine was hit by an egg thrown from the crowd as his motorcade passed through Santiago streets.
    2. The Secret Service on Thursday received a Ford Motor Co. limousine, a 22-foot modified 1989 Lincoln Town Car that will first be used in the inaugural parade Jan. 20.
    3. A committee letter to the Minnesota Republican, released Friday, disclosed new details of an investigation into Durenberger's book promotion deal and the limousine trips.
    4. Ten years ago: General Alexander M. Haig Jr., supreme commander of NATO forces, escaped an attempt on his life in Casteau, Belgium, when a remote-controlled bomb exploded beneath a small bridge as Haig's limousine passed over it.
    5. Mrs. Onassis' brother-in-law, Sen. Edward Kennedy, rode in the funeral limousine with her and Christina Onassis, Aristotle's daughter.
    6. The attorney general has been using an armor-plated limousine, which cost more than $100,000, for three or four weeks, said Justice Department spokesman David Runkel.
    7. When Bush's limousine pulled up to the red-carpeted Grand Entrance of the palace, Bush jumped out.
    8. President Reagan, getting into his limousine after speaking to high school students in suburban Vienna, Va., was asked whether he thought the cease-fire agreement would hold up.
    9. Before being whisked away in a limousine, Khashoggi read a handwritten statement to a crush of photographers, reporters and spectators: "I am pleased that the courts have granted me bail.
    10. "Long live, long live," shouted people at Victory Square when Bush's black armored limousine pulled up in front of the marble tomb, which was flanked by a military band and honor guard.
    11. The bride was nervous, and her throat was dry, so she asked the limousine's chauffeur, William Spitz, to pull over at a convenience store to buy a soda.
    12. He conferred with student leaders and gave two a lift to the university in his limousine.
    13. The panel said in February there was "substantial credible evidence" of rules violations involving a $100,000 book promotion deal and free limousine service accepted by the Minnesota Republican.
    14. Seagram placed point-of-purchase displays in liquor stores offering free seats and limousine rides to the concerts.
    15. He is chewing a roast beef sandwich delivered by the driver of his white Cadillac limousine, which is idling at the curb.
    16. Anybody can roll around the capital in a dark-windowed limousine, but what it costs depends on who you are. A teen-ager on the way to the prom can end up paying six times more than an aging big shot.
    17. Conn said that en route to dinner at La Scala in Beverly Hills, the limousine stopped, Mrs. Greenberger got out and Mentzer and Marti, toting guns, got in.
    18. Celebrity guests arrived Tuesday night by limousine, many of them shunning reporters and slipping through a back entrance to the Wiltern Theater.
    19. Gorbachev shipped his Zil limousine to Washington instead of relying on his host for transportation, so Reagan will follow suit, sending his armored Cadillac to Moscow.
    20. Besides adopting the black sedans to create a kind of mass-market limousine service, he has recruited a stable of English-speaking drivers to offer tours to foreign visitors.
    21. He attached the red, white and blue plate with the number 1 on it to his black limousine.
    22. The Soviet president left his limousine to greet crowds before a luncheon at the governor's mansion, crossed the street after lunch to the delight of another group and walked the street a third time near the St. Paul Cathedral.
    23. Valenti was sitting six or seven cars back from President John F. Kennedy's limousine when Kennedy was assassinated as the motorcade snaked through Dallas.
    24. The new plant, at which New Avanti expects to start production later this year, will make a four-door sedan and a four-door limited edition limousine.
    25. Last year, the 30-year-old manager of a limousine service came in second.
    26. The latest was Li Dawei, who defected in 1983 in a trainer plane. Li received $40,000 plus use of a chauffeured limousine.
    27. Although the hijacker and the limousine were not recovered, police may have a good shot at finding him: one of the bridesmaids snapped a farewell photo of the abductor.
    28. They stepped from their limousine onto the red carpet at the White House front steps where they were greeted by the tuxedo-clad American president and his wife Barbara, who wore a sapphire blue gown, with fitted bodice and sweeping skirt.
    29. The MVMA says about half of the revenues collected by limousine operators come from business uses, but lots of folks are leaving the driving at party time to someone else.
    30. None made an attempt to reach Bush or his limousine.
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