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 life [laif]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 生活, 生命, 人生, 世事, 生物, 寿命, 一生, 生命力, 灵魂, 无期徒刑

[医] 生活, 生存, 生命, 寿命

    [ noun ]
    1. a characteristic state or mode of living

    2. <noun.state>
      social life
      city life
      real life
    3. the experience of being alive; the course of human events and activities

    4. <noun.cognition>
      he could no longer cope with the complexities of life
    5. the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living

    6. <noun.state>
      he hoped for a new life in Australia
      he wanted to live his own life without interference from others
    7. the condition of living or the state of being alive

    8. <noun.state>
      while there's life there's hope
      life depends on many chemical and physical processes
    9. the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)

    10. <noun.time>
      the battery had a short life
      he lived a long and happy life
    11. the period between birth and the present time

    12. <noun.time>
      I have known him all his life
    13. the period from the present until death

    14. <noun.time>
      he appointed himself emperor for life
    15. a living person

    16. <noun.person>
      his heroism saved a life
    17. animation and energy in action or expression

    18. <noun.attribute>
      it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it
    19. living things collectively

    20. <noun.tops>
      the oceans are teeming with life
    21. the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones

    22. <noun.phenomenon>
      there is no life on the moon
    23. an account of the series of events making up a person's life

    24. <noun.communication>
    25. a motive for living

    26. <noun.motive>
      pottery was his life
    27. a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives

    28. <noun.time>
      he got life for killing the guard

    Life \Life\ (l[imac]f), n.; pl. {Lives} (l[imac]vz). [AS.
    l[imac]f; akin to D. lijf body, G. leib body, MHG. l[imac]p
    life, body, OHG. l[imac]b life, Icel. l[imac]f, life, body,
    Sw. lif, Dan. liv, and E. live, v. [root]119. See {Live}, and
    cf. {Alive}.]
    1. The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or
    germination, and ends with death; also, the time during
    which this state continues; that state of an animal or
    plant in which all or any of its organs are capable of
    performing all or any of their functions; -- used of all
    animal and vegetable organisms.

    2. Of human beings: The union of the soul and body; also, the
    duration of their union; sometimes, the deathless quality
    or existence of the soul; as, man is a creature having an
    immortal life.

    She shows a body rather than a life. --Shak.

    3. (Philos) The potential principle, or force, by which the
    organs of animals and plants are started and continued in
    the performance of their several and co["o]perative
    functions; the vital force, whether regarded as physical
    or spiritual.

    4. Figuratively: The potential or animating principle, also,
    the period of duration, of anything that is conceived of
    as resembling a natural organism in structure or
    functions; as, the life of a state, a machine, or a book;
    authority is the life of government.

    5. A certain way or manner of living with respect to
    conditions, circumstances, character, conduct, occupation,
    etc.; hence, human affairs; also, lives, considered
    collectively, as a distinct class or type; as, low life; a
    good or evil life; the life of Indians, or of miners.

    That which before us lies in daily life. --Milton.

    By experience of life abroad in the world. --Ascham.

    Lives of great men all remind us
    We can make our lives sublime. --Longfellow.

    'T is from high life high characters are drawn.

    6. Animation; spirit; vivacity; vigor; energy.

    No notion of life and fire in fancy and in words.

    That gives thy gestures grace and life.

    7. That which imparts or excites spirit or vigor; that upon
    which enjoyment or success depends; as, he was the life of
    the company, or of the enterprise.

    8. The living or actual form, person, thing, or state; as, a
    picture or a description from, the life.

    9. A person; a living being, usually a human being; as, many
    lives were sacrificed.

    10. The system of animal nature; animals in general, or
    considered collectively.

    Full nature swarms with life. --Thomson.

    11. An essential constituent of life, esp: the blood.

    The words that I speak unto you . . . they are
    life. --John vi. 63.

    The warm life came issuing through the wound.

    12. A history of the acts and events of a life; a biography;
    as, Johnson wrote the life of Milton.

    13. Enjoyment in the right use of the powers; especially, a
    spiritual existence; happiness in the favor of God;
    heavenly felicity.

    14. Something dear to one as one's existence; a darling; --
    used as a term of endearment.

    Note: Life forms the first part of many compounds, for the
    most part of obvious meaning; as, life-giving,
    life-sustaining, etc.

    {Life annuity}, an annuity payable during one's life.

    {Life arrow}, {Life rocket}, {Life shot}, an arrow, rocket,
    or shot, for carrying an attached line to a vessel in
    distress in order to save life.

    {Life assurance}. See {Life insurance}, below.

    {Life buoy}. See {Buoy}.

    {Life car}, a water-tight boat or box, traveling on a line
    from a wrecked vessel to the shore. In it person are
    hauled through the waves and surf.

    {Life drop}, a drop of vital blood. --Byron.

    {Life estate} (Law), an estate which is held during the term
    of some certain person's life, but does not pass by

    {Life everlasting} (Bot.), a plant with white or yellow
    persistent scales about the heads of the flowers, as
    {Antennaria}, and {Gnaphalium}; cudweed.

    {Life of an execution} (Law), the period when an execution is
    in force, or before it expires.

    {Life guard}. (Mil.) See under {Guard}.

    {Life insurance}, the act or system of insuring against
    death; a contract by which the insurer undertakes, in
    consideration of the payment of a premium (usually at
    stated periods), to pay a stipulated sum in the event of
    the death of the insured or of a third person in whose
    life the insured has an interest.

    {Life interest}, an estate or interest which lasts during
    one's life, or the life of another person, but does not
    pass by inheritance.

    {Life land} (Law), land held by lease for the term of a life
    or lives.

    {Life line}.
    (a) (Naut.) A line along any part of a vessel for the
    security of sailors.
    (b) A line attached to a life boat, or to any life saving
    apparatus, to be grasped by a person in the water.

    {Life rate}, rate of premium for insuring a life.

    {Life rent}, the rent of a life estate; rent or property to
    which one is entitled during one's life.

    {Life school}, a school for artists in which they model,
    paint, or draw from living models.

    {Lifetable}, a table showing the probability of life at
    different ages.

    {To lose one's life}, to die.

    {To seek the life of}, to seek to kill.

    {To the life}, so as closely to resemble the living person or
    the subject; as, the portrait was drawn to the life.

    1. But Mr. Iacocca counters, "I never worked harder in my life than in the last couple of years.
    2. Although Mr. Siegel is described by some friends as a man who is reluctant to leave any money on the table in a business negotiation, he is anything but a Scrooge in his personal life.
    3. He seeks a better life, distances himself from his criminal heritage.
    4. The town may be dying, and though the mall out by the interstate and the Wal-Mart at the edge of town may be providing a commercial alternative to the town, they still haven't replaced the commerce and cohesion of town life.
    5. Rosier was indicted 11 months after his wife's death when he said in a television interview that he "administered something to terminate her life" and wrote a book about how she died.
    6. Some 39 per cent of life insurance respondents said that sales volumes actually fell in the period, in spite of expectations that they would rise.
    7. Former US Central Intelligence Agency officer Aldrich Ames (left) was sentenced to life in prison after he pleaded guilty in Virginia to spying for Moscow.
    8. Bertie's a frightfully decent chap and fancies himself a master schemer and solver of life's small problems, but his machinations always go awry, requiring the intervention of Jeeves ("Indeed, sir?") to get him out of trouble.
    9. She had been raped by more than one person, her clothing was in disarray, she had suffered multiple scratches and abrasions, and she was so drunk that her life was in danger, the report said.
    10. "But I think if I would have done that, I would have been ashamed for the rest of my life." Loftus, the crusader, was once a comfortable insider with a steppingstone resume.
    11. From the time he arrived in Washington from Mississippi half a lifetime ago, the 46-year-old Mr. Russ labored to make life easier for members of Congress.
    12. "They didn't hurt me but at one point I was scared for my life," said the warden, Roberto Sanchez Camareno.
    13. This year some agents are visiting families with a new life insurance video they can play on home recorders.
    14. A strong life business adds another defensive dimension. But such theoretical considerations will carry little weight with anyone other than value funds.
    15. 'This man loved life, he was joyful.
    16. "If we are encouraged by their example to move from here to make this world a place of peace and love through the mutual service we give to one another, then senselessness will be turned into fullness of life," he said.
    17. So there is no need to be rushed by enthusiastic, commission-hunting intermediaries. But delay can mean that, if the employee does eventually invest in a life company pension contract, there is less time for the underlying fund to grow.
    18. Prosecutors said Terry wanted to start a new life and leave insurance proceeds to his family.
    19. But their migration from country to city constitutes a great personal improvement in life style and a high measure of contentment.
    20. Moody's downgraded its financial strength rating of Capital Holding's life insurance units and lowered its credit ratings on the parent company's debt.
    21. Spare a thought, however, for the new recruits to the real business of life, those for whom 1994 may be the start of a lifetime of gardening until arthritis stops them in the 2030s.
    22. The woman was not on the company's life support registry, which lists customers who use life support and medical treatment machines in their homes.
    23. The woman was not on the company's life support registry, which lists customers who use life support and medical treatment machines in their homes.
    24. He is also deputy chairman of the Clerical Medical & General life assurance society, as well as being a director of Monks Investment Trust and Macmillan.
    25. Through his compact-disk player, a jazz band seems to come to life in his van.
    26. And out of necessity: The U.S. can make mistakes and still hope to remove him from power, but a single error on his part could cost him his life.
    27. LONDON (AP) - Italian film director Bernardo Bertolucci can go ahead with a movie on the life of Buddha.
    28. "It's the perfect life style."
    29. "There's a life cycle to these things," said Vic Miller, who advises governors and legislators on federal grants.
    30. Donovan's life work is art usually seen at a great distance in a fleeting glance from a car window.
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