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 lay-off 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 解雇, (临时)解雇期, 关闭, 停歇

[经] 临时解雇, 停止工作, 休息

    1. It wanted voluntary cuts but said that if they had not been achieved by December 11 they would be compulsory. Unions were offered an alternative: a six-month pay freeze and a cut in lay-off payments.
    2. It wanted voluntary cuts but said that if numbers had not been achieved by December 11 they would be compulsory. Unions were offered an alternative: a six-month pay freeze and a cut in lay-off payments.
    3. Or it must be prepared to pay unfair dismissal settlements which by law represent a minimum of 45 days of salary per year worked - an expense that is even greater than the lay-off procedure chosen by Seat.
    4. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh's lay-off of six career spokesmen in the 10-person Justice Department press office.
    5. He was the team's coach and has a reputation as a thoroughly modern manager, but the time will come when he has to lay-off the volley-ball players.
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