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 lady ['leidi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 淑女, 夫人, 女士, 贵妇

    [ noun ]
    1. a polite name for any woman

    2. <noun.person>
      a nice lady at the library helped me
    3. a woman of refinement

    4. <noun.person>
      a chauffeur opened the door of the limousine for the grand lady
    5. a woman of the peerage in Britain

    6. <noun.person>

    Lady \La"dy\ (l[=a]"d[y^]), n.; pl. {Ladies} (l[=a]"d[i^]z).
    [OE. ladi, l[ae]fdi, AS. hl[=ae]fdige, hl[=ae]fdie; AS.
    hl[=a]f loaf + a root of uncertain origin, possibly akin to
    E. dairy. See {Loaf}, and cf. {Lord}.]
    1. A woman who looks after the domestic affairs of a family;
    a mistress; the female head of a household.

    Agar, the handmaiden of Sara, whence comest thou,
    and whither goest thou? The which answered, Fro the
    face of Sara my lady. --Wyclif (Gen.
    xvi. 8.).

    2. A woman having proprietary rights or authority; mistress;
    -- a feminine correlative of lord. ``Lord or lady of high
    degree.'' --Lowell.

    Of all these bounds, even from this line to this, .
    . .
    We make thee lady. --Shak.

    3. A woman to whom the particular homage of a knight was
    paid; a woman to whom one is devoted or bound; a

    The soldier here his wasted store supplies,
    And takes new valor from his lady's eyes. --Waller.

    4. A woman of social distinction or position. In England, a
    title prefixed to the name of any woman whose husband is
    not of lower rank than a baron, or whose father was a
    nobleman not lower than an earl. The wife of a baronet or
    knight has the title of Lady by courtesy, but not by

    5. A woman of refined or gentle manners; a well-bred woman;
    -- the feminine correlative of {gentleman}.

    6. A wife; -- not now in approved usage. --Goldsmith.

    7. Hence: Any woman; as, a lounge for ladies; a cleaning
    lady; also used in combination; as, saleslady.

    8. (Zo["o]l.) The triturating apparatus in the stomach of a
    lobster; -- so called from a fancied resemblance to a
    seated female figure. It consists of calcareous plates.

    {Ladies' man}, a man who affects the society of ladies.

    {Lady altar}, an altar in a lady chapel. --Shipley.

    {Lady chapel}, a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

    {Lady court}, the court of a lady of the manor.

    {Lady crab} (Zo["o]l.), a handsomely spotted swimming crab
    ({Platyonichus ocellatus}) very common on the sandy shores
    of the Atlantic coast of the United States.

    {Lady fern}. (Bot.) See {Female fern}, under {Female}, and
    Illust. of {Fern}.

    {Lady in waiting}, a lady of the queen's household, appointed
    to wait upon or attend the queen.

    {Lady Mass}, a Mass said in honor of the Virgin Mary.

    {Lady of the manor}, a lady having jurisdiction of a manor;
    also, the wife of a manor lord.

    {Lady's maid}, a maidservant who dresses and waits upon a
    lady. --Thackeray.

    {Our Lady}, the Virgin Mary.

    Lady \La"dy\, a.
    Belonging or becoming to a lady; ladylike.
    ``Some lady trifles.'' --Shak.

    1. Reagan's final words, "God bless America," touched off a tumultuous demonstration on the floor, which erupted in even greater cheering as he was joined on the podium by the first lady.
    2. The National Enquirer recently ran an article claiming her condition was worse than the White House has let on and that the first lady was in severe pain at times.
    3. The first lady returned to the U.S. ambassador's residence, Winfield House, to meet with Prince Charles, who flew back to London from a series of public engagements in Lancashire.
    4. "You're annoying me," the lady responds.
    5. Less successful investors scour the chairman's annual statement for hints from the master. Buffett is routinely scathing about "institutional investors' - one of those self-contradictions called an oxymoron, comparable to 'lady mudwrestler".
    6. It would be about her mother, Ireene, now deceased, who was a star of children's radio and TV shows in the 1930s, '40s and '50s known as "the singing lady."
    7. These letters narrate his conquest and command of his subject: a 44-year-old English lady novelist (a mix of Iris Murdoch and Doris Lessing) whom he's been studying and lecturing on for a dozen years.
    8. Instead of holding down a job or going to school, it's been easier for them to knock some old lady on the street and take her Social Security check." At first, 19-year-old Jesse Roberson of Pontiac didn't think he could make it through the program.
    9. Senior Hutton officials say that Mr. Fomon insisted that Hutton hire some of his lady friends, and Mr. Fomon concedes that he hired five or six young women at Hutton.
    10. So has the lady on the fourth floor.
    11. A once expressive actress - remember Polanski's Repulsion? - is now cast forever as the First Lady of French cinema. If Hollywood had a star as inanimate as this, they would consign her to stand-in work for the Columbia torch lady.
    12. "The first lady continues to emphasize the importance of mammography (breast X-ray) for early detection of cancer of the breast.
    13. Was it because he didn't pay his taxes or because he wolf-whistled a noble lady; either thesis is possible.' No use arguing with Jose that Don Quixote never existed, and that the man imprisoned in Argamasilla was Miguel Cervantes, his hero's inventor.
    14. When Smith saves a little old lady from a mugging and gets beaten up, his twin living arrangements unravel.
    15. The first lady, gently resisting further questioning about the case, told reporters, "You don't want to see a grown woman cry, do you?" She spoke on Air Force One on the way home Wednesday night from the economic summit in Houston.
    16. Till the one day when the lady met this fellow, and they knew that it was much more than a hunch. That this group would somehow form a family, and that's the way they all became the Brady Bunch.
    17. Massachusetts first lady Kitty Dukakis, wife of the Democratic presidential front-runner, was paid $20,000 last year for her part-time position as director of a novel program at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.
    18. "There are no taxpayers' dollars that go toward the first lady's wardrobe whatsoever," Mrs. Crispen said in a telephone interview.
    19. The first lady also said she helped Bush keep the invasion of Panama secret.
    20. Bush, a member of the NRA, has said he opposes such regulation, while first lady Barbara Bush supports a ban.
    21. The only witness who can place George near the scene of the crime is a little old lady who owns three tiny dogs.
    22. In the index, it has nine entries for first lady Mamie Eisenhower.
    23. First lady Barbara Bush says she suffered a severe case of depression after returning from China in 1976, but overcame it after throwing herself into volunteer work.
    24. First lady Barbara Bush on Thursday underwent the second of 10 radiation treatments for eye irritation caused by her immune system disease.
    25. "That just makes me feel wonderful," the first lady said.
    26. The first lady said she has a formula for dealing with such books, including any that come out in the future.
    27. Sandra Bullock was visiting Los Angeles when she heard on television that the NBC sitcom "Working Girl" was seeking a new leading lady.
    28. On another revival, "Queen for a Day," women vie for the distinction of worst hardship: In the pilot, the woman with a severely burned face beats out a lady whose daughter was murdered by a gang, and another who has adopted 32 kids.
    29. A lady carrying a potted plant is carried grandly away in a horse-drawn carriage.
    30. "I always said Tennessee was my first leading lady," chuckled Stricklyn.
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