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 lackadaisical [,lækә'deizikәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 懒洋洋的, 愁闷的, 伤感的

    [ adj ]
    1. lacking spirit or liveliness

    2. <adj.all>
      a lackadaisical attempt
      a languid mood
      a languid wave of the hand
      a hot languorous afternoon
    3. idle or indolent especially in a dreamy way

    4. <adj.all>
      she was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical
      a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town

    lackadaisical \lack`a*dai"si*cal\ (l[a^]k`[.a]*d[=a]"z[i^]*kal),
    a. [From {Lackadaisy}, interj.]
    1. Affectedly pensive; languidly sentimental; dreamy.

    2. Lacking spirit or liveliness; lethargic; listless;

    3. Indolent; lazy; idle, especially in a dreamy manner.
    [PJC] -- {Lack`a*dai"si*cal*ly}, adv.

    1. If the author is lackadaisical about publicity, chances are that the publishing house will be, too.
    2. The Justice Department failed to keep up with defense procurement fraud because it has a "lackadaisical, careless, hands-off management" approach, two senators said in releasing a critical congressional report Saturday.
    3. Guards with hands in pockets or thumbs hooked in belts look either lackadaisical or aggressive _ or both.
    4. Municipal Bonds A lackadaisical municipal market ended unchanged to off 1/4 point.
    5. Barcelona were, in the English parlance, playing too much football and even as it failed it was enjoyable to watch. For anyone used to the highly-drilled defence of the English Football League the marking of both teams was lackadaisical.
    6. Mr Duke's campaigning has been lackadaisical, however, and he is not expected to win a big share of today's vote. Mr Bush is competing with Mr Buchanan for South Carolina's large Christian fundamentalist population.
    7. The fact of the matter is that we are anything but lackadaisical in our prosecution of these cases, and the current big case involving the Pentagon is a prime example.
    8. "It seems to me to be an awfully _ just to use a phrase _ lackadaisical way of taking a look at how cases are prosecuted," he said.
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