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 kite [kaɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 风筝, 筝帆, 空头支票, 骗子

vi. 象风筝一样飞, 轻快地移动, 使用空头支票

vt. 使上升, 骗钱

[经] 用空头支票骗钱, 使(物价等)上升

    [ noun ]
    1. a bank check that has been fraudulently altered to increase its face value

    2. <noun.possession>
    3. a bank check drawn on insufficient funds at another bank in order to take advantage of the float

    4. <noun.possession>
    5. plaything consisting of a light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string

    6. <noun.artifact>
    7. any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals

    8. <noun.animal>
    [ verb ]
    1. increase the amount (of a check) fraudulently

    2. <verb.possession>
      He kited many checks
    3. get credit or money by using a bad check

    4. <verb.possession>
      The businessman kited millions of dollars
    5. soar or fly like a kite

    6. <verb.motion>
      The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains
    7. fly a kite

    8. <verb.motion>
      Kids were kiting in the park
      They kited the Red Dragon model

    Kite \Kite\, v. i.
    To raise money by ``kites;'' as, kiting transactions. See
    {Kite}, 6. [Cant]

    Kite \Kite\, n.
    The belly. [Prov. Eng. & Scot.]

    Kite \Kite\ (k[imac]t), n. [OE. kyte, AS. c[=y]ta; cf. W. cud,
    1. (Zo["o]l.) Any raptorial bird of the subfamily
    {Milvin[ae]}, of which many species are known. They have
    long wings, adapted for soaring, and usually a forked

    Note: The European species are {Milvus ictinus} and {Milvus
    migrans}; the pariah kite of India is {Milvus govinda};
    the sacred or Brahmany kite of India is {Haliastur
    Indus}; the American fork-tailed kite is the {Nauclerus

    2. Fig.: One who is rapacious.

    Detested kite, thou liest. --Shak.

    3. A light frame of wood or other material covered with paper
    or cloth, for flying in the air at the end of a string.

    4. (Naut.) A lofty sail, carried only when the wind is light.

    5. (Geom.) A quadrilateral, one of whose diagonals is an axis
    of symmetry. --Henrici.

    6. Fictitious commercial paper used for raising money or to
    sustain credit, as a check which represents no deposit in
    bank, or a bill of exchange not sanctioned by sale of
    goods; an accommodation check or bill. [Cant]

    7. (Zo["o]l.) The brill. [Prov. Eng.]

    8. (Naut.) A form of drag to be towed under water at any
    depth up to about forty fathoms, which on striking bottom
    is upset and rises to the surface; -- called also
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    {Flying kites}. (Naut.) See under {Flying}.

    {Kite falcon} (Zo["o]l.), an African falcon of the genus
    {Avicida}, having some resemblance to a kite.

    1. Governments often have 'flown a kite' about some major policy move in order to gauge public reaction.
    2. The boats traditionally stop at Natchez, Vicksburg, Memphis and other ports where passengers and crew from each vessel take part in contests such as "dueling calliopes," the "Floozie Parade Competition" and a kite flying contest.
    3. They say he socialized with Mr. Bagsik, and wonder why he didn't act sooner to plug the loophole that let Art-B kite checks.
    4. I guess a few other people do." Seifert's mother, Carol, submitted a photo of him with a kite caught in a tree.
    5. In his letter to Krenz, the swami asked for the motorized kite back.
    6. Visitors will be treated to events ranging from a dragon kite show in Weifang, Shandong province, to traditional dragon boat races in several major cities.
    7. "It went up whole, like a kite, and flew on over the tops of the trees and smashed in the road just like so much kindling wood," recalls Avery, now 89.
    8. "They can tell them to go fly a kite," Chief Bankruptcy Judge Alexander Paskay said.
    9. This kite flying operation to get a quick consent should not be allowed to go any further without serious consideration of a less intensive mixed development with the Wallis Gilbert Tower at its heart.
    10. The baby drops the twine and all watch as the kite runs away.
    11. Geographically, they resemble a 450-mile kite tail stretching from Puerto Rico in the north to Trinidad in the south.
    12. "I would be depressed one moment, then I'd go to another extreme and be as high as a kite," he said.
    13. Mountain View authorities said they would post signs at Shoreline park advising that kite flying has been banned there.
    14. If the Daedalus pilot does run out of steam, though, he can toss a line to a chase boat, which in theory will be able to keep the aircraft aloft by pulling it to shore like a giant kite.
    15. She flew a stunt kite for about a minute before it fell to the grass.
    16. "He's only here Saturdays and Sundays, thank God," said a kite salesman named John, whose turf is the northwest corner of Hyde and Beach.
    17. M. DeAndra Anrig, 8, who took a 100-foot ride in the sky when an airplane snagged her kite line and yanked her into the air.
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