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 jubilate ['dʒubə`let]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 欢呼, 欢喜

n. 欢呼

    [ verb ]
    1. celebrate a jubilee

    2. <verb.social>
    3. to express great joy

    4. <verb.communication> exuberate exult rejoice triumph
      Who cannot exult in Spring?

    Jubilate \Ju`bi*la"te\, n. [L., imperat. of jubilare to shout
    for joy.]
    1. The third Sunday after Easter; -- so called because the
    introit is the 66th Psalm, which, in the Latin version,
    begins with the words, ``Jubilate Deo.''

    2. A name of the 100th Psalm; -- so called from its opening
    word in the Latin version.

    Jubilate \Ju"bi*late\, v. i. [L. jubilatus, p. p. of jubilare.]
    To exult; to rejoice. [R.] --De Quincey.

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