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 invalidation [ɪn`vælə'deʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 无效, 失效

[法] 无效, 作废

    [ noun ]
    (law) a formal termination (of a relationship or a judicial proceeding etc)

    Invalidation \In*val`i*da"tion\, n.
    The act of inavlidating, or the state of being invalidated.

    So many invalidations of their right. --Burke.

    1. Southdown said its tender offer is conditional upon the valid tender of a majority of Moore McCormack common stock, the invalidation of Moore McCormack's "poison pill" anti-takeover defense and the acquisition of sufficient financing.
    2. Thus, even if successful, the voiding of other municipal-utility contracts wouldn't have as large a financial impact on Seabrook as did the invalidation of contracts had on WPPSS's finances.
    3. He said it was "a sad day for Panama and for the democratic nations of this hemisphere," in the wake of Noriega's invalidation of last May's election to choose a new president who would have taken office today.
    4. The appellate court unanimously upheld invalidation of Irving Bank's so-called flip-in provision of its shareholder rights plan, also known as a poison pill.
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