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 intimidation [ɪntɪmə'deʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 恐吓, 威胁

[法] 恐吓, 威胁

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something

    2. <noun.act>
    3. the feeling of discouragement in the face of someone's superior fame or wealth or status etc.

    4. <noun.feeling>
    5. the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timid

    6. <noun.feeling>
    7. a communication that makes you afraid to try something

    8. <noun.communication>

    Intimidation \In*tim`i*da"tion\, n. [Cf. F. intimidation.]
    The act of making timid or fearful or of deterring by
    threats; the state of being intimidated; as, the voters were
    kept from the polls by intimidation.

    The king carried his measures in Parliament by
    intimidation. --Paley.

    1. Within the Arab world, Saddam's goals are "Iraqi leadership and that he is prepared to use virtually all means to achieve that end, from economic intimidation to the use of force and terror," Reich said in an interview.
    2. The country's first multiparty parliamentary election was held Sunday, and opposition leaders claimed it was marred by intimidation and fraud perpetrated by Houphouet-Boigny's Democratic Party.
    3. The State Department revived charges Friday that Romania's ruling party has used violence and intimidation against opposition groups during the campaign for Sunday's national elections.
    4. "We will opt for a political solution," he said. "The camp of intimidation rejects any political solution.
    5. The company was willing to compromise public safety to achieve its economic objective." The union, meanwhile, "waged what amounted to a campaign of intimidation against the carrier and its replacement employees," the report said.
    6. He was once in partnership with two Roman Catholics, but they sold out after IRA intimidation. Most of Mr Henry's 600 employees are Protestant.
    7. During jury selection, each defense lawyer suggested that his client had succumbed to lies, trickery and intimidation, and one alluded to how prisoners of war confess to things of which they are not guilty.
    8. The White House rebuked the Soviet Union's recent troop movements in the Baltics, calling the action intimidation and a step toward escalation of tension within the nation.
    9. The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, the guerrilla army, since early 1988 has waged an intimidation campaign against municipal authorities.
    10. Sinhalese militants, infuriated at the government's efforts to make peace with the Tamils, wage a campaign of terror and intimidation that some observers fear could force cancellation of Dec. 19 presidential elections.
    11. Cruelty and degrading treatment still continues." Psychiatric patients are given unnecessary drugs, a treatment "meted out as a form of intimidation," he said.
    12. The complaints, which come from across the country, involve alleged intimidation of voters, in the form of both verbal threats and physical assaults, by members of competing parties.
    13. The charge comes on the heels of reports of electoral intimidation and violence by Sandinista supporters and the denial of visas to a presidentially appointed U.S. observer group for the Feb. 25 national elections.
    14. He proposes a far-reaching judicial reform, including the creation of a special court to judge drug traffickers in Colombia, replacing judges who risk death if they don't bow to intimidation.
    15. But U.S. District Judge William Hoeveler urged both sides to avoid intimidation.
    16. Stability is a situation where people can feel safe, where people who want to go to work can do so, where people can live a normal life without intimidation, without threat.
    17. A manipulated nomination procedure, violence, intimidation and abuse of the machinery of state have seriously compromised the process, as the Commonwealth observer group and other independent monitors have warned this week.
    18. Whether he chooses to gobble another oil sheikdom now or later, the Iraqi leader has an ambition: to rule the Middle East through military threat, political intimidation and economic might.
    19. And most of those who did vote did so during the two-week "prior voting" system set up to avoid intimidation; on election day, fewer than 10,000 Sowetans ventured to the polls.
    20. Widespread intimidation of voters may have plagued the balloting in which the party of former Communists won opening round victories in Bulgaria's parliamentary elections, the State Department said Thursday.
    21. If organised criminal gangs are ratcheting up the level of their intimidation of company executives to the ultimate penalty, the authorities' deepest fear is that few companies will prove determined or brave enough to resist.
    22. The political campaign was marred by allegations of fraud and intimidation that forced many of the more than 50 parties to curtail electioneering.
    23. His soldiers, who can crack heads with the best of them when the occasion arises, have blocked most street demonstrations with intimidation or force.
    24. This group has orchestrated the intimidation tactics of Soviet troops, including the occupation of public buildings in Lithuania's capital, Vilnius.
    25. But "threats against people who try to move in a calmer and more peaceful direction are acts of intimidation and fall much more into the terrorism category," he said.
    26. What they are discussing is a transitional arrangement to enable Israelis and Palestinians to show they can live together free of violence, intimidation and interference.
    27. Cocaine bosses have enjoyed relative impunity from Colombian courts through payoffs or intimidation of judges and they want the government to reverse its stand on extradition.
    28. Rightist groups mounted a public campaign of intimidation, by convoys of sound trucks circling Nagasaki City Hall blaring "Death to Motoshima!" The mayor received three anonymous letters with bullets.
    29. In the current Middle East crisis, the focus is on major military intimidation, Reich said.
    30. Gaviria also announced plans to build "fortress cities" where Colombian judges will live and work free of intimidation from the drug lords.
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