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 interlocking [`ɪntɚ'lɑk添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 连锁的

[化] 咬合; 咬合作用

[医] 交锁, 碰撞, 冲突

    [ noun ]
    1. contact by fitting together

    2. <noun.event>
      the engagement of the clutch
      the meshing of gears
    3. the act of interlocking or meshing

    4. <noun.act>
      an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check
    [ adj ]
    1. linked or locked closely together as by dovetailing

    2. <adj.all>

    interlocking \in`ter*lock"ing\, a.
    Connected together in such a manner that the parts work
    together as a single unit, or in a coordianted manner.

    1. But they believed much more progress needed to be made, particularly in eliminating the practice of keiretsu, the interlocking arrangements between Japanese companies that keep foreign firms out of the marketplace.
    2. For more than 40 years Mrs. Frank had controlled a marine empire of more than 45 interlocking companies operating tank cleaners, barges and tugboats.
    3. Because of the complicated interlocking nature of Medicare and other public and private health plans covering older Americans, witnesses told the panel there is wide misunderstanding of the extent of duplicative coverage.
    4. Devalued, it is finally given to the child, as guilt and shame are passed from one generation to another. Little effing and no blinding; but there remains the Mamet trademark of elaborately jagged, and perfectly interlocking, jigsaw dialogue.
    5. Mr. Toepfer said interlocking equity holdings among companies hid widespread deal-making by power-plant operators, processors of nuclear fuel and waste and operators of storage facilities.
    6. While he isn't a director of Royex, he said Royex probably plans to use proceeds to buy more Corona shares to tighten the interlocking ownership among the three companies.
    7. In addition to the chance to discuss issues, members estimate this year's Legislative Weekend event will raise $1 million for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, a legally separate entity with interlocking board members.
    8. Couples hold each other close in a waltz, moving forward and back and turning, their legs interlocking in a subtle game of advance and retreat, never quite touching.
    9. That law exempted for a decade persons already holding such interlocking directorships.
    10. Optimists on Japan, however, maintain that Japanese corporate earnings would be 50% or more above stated levels, if interlocking corporate holdings were fully reflected and U.S. accounting rules were used.
    11. What the company's slick brochures don't say is that Dentsu dominates the mass media in Japan through its interlocking web of subsidiaries and contractors which, among other things, produce television programs and the ratings for those programs.
    12. The Bundesbank cannot, however, spell this out in public. Yesterday's action thus serves several interlocking purposes.
    13. The Kiefer work is made of several interlocking sheets of lead partially covered with canvas treated with oil, crayon, ashes, sand and lead and clay dust, with a canvas landscape painting across the bottom.
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