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 integument [in'tegjumәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 覆盖物

[医] 体被, 皮, 珠被, 包膜

    [ noun ]
    an outer protective covering such as the skin of an animal or a cuticle or seed coat or rind or shell

    Integument \In*teg"u*ment\, n. [L. integumentum, fr. integere to
    cover; pref. in- in, on + tegere to cover: cf. F.
    int['e]gument. See 1st {n-}, and {Tegument}.]
    That which naturally invests or covers another thing, as the
    testa or the tegmen of a seed; specifically (Anat.), a
    covering which invests the body, as the skin, or a membrane
    that invests a particular part.

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