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 insurgent [ɪn'sɚdʒənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 谋叛的, 起义的, 澎湃的

n. 起义者, 叛乱者

[法] 叛乱的, 起义的

    [ noun ]
    1. a person who takes part in an armed rebellion against the constituted authority (especially in the hope of improving conditions)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment

    4. <noun.person>
    [ adj ]
    1. in opposition to a civil authority or government

    2. <adj.all>

    Insurgent \In*sur"gent\, a. [L. insurgens, p. pr. of insurgere
    to rise up; pref. in- in + surgere to rise. See {Surge}.]
    Rising in opposition to civil or political authority, or
    against an established government; insubordinate; rebellious.
    ``The insurgent provinces.'' --Motley.

    Insurgent \In*sur"gent\, n. [Cf. F. insurgent.]
    A person who rises in revolt against civil authority or an
    established government; one who openly and actively resists
    the execution of laws; a rebel.

    Syn: See {Rebel}.

    1. In Islamabad, insurgent leaders Rabbani and Gulbadin Hekmatyar criticized the Soviets for overtures to the former king.
    2. "Cuba continues to provide safe haven, weapons and political and financial support to a wide range of leftist and insurgent organizations that use terrorism," the department said.
    3. Some of the insurgent groups are described as mere traffickers in opium, which is grown in great quantity in Shan State, but the tribespeople also have a long tradition of seeking cultural and political independence from the more powerful Burmans.
    4. Rebels on Monday seized 14 or 15 foreigners, including one American, and moved them to an insurgent headquarters outside the Liberian capital of Monrovia, the State Department announced.
    5. Control of Crazy Eddie Inc., the troubled consumer-electronics chain, will pass formally today from the Antar family to an insurgent group.
    6. It began as the broadest-based insurgent group with a large following, mixing hard-line elements with urban intellectuals, but has shrunk because of a lack of central organization.
    7. The attacks came as representatives of El Salvador's major political parties met in Mexico with top commanders of the guerrilla army to discuss a modified insurgent electoral proposal the rebels say could end the war.
    8. Afghan guerrilla leaders will meet with the Soviet deputy foreign minister, Yuli Vorontsov, in Saudi Arabia this weekend, an insurgent spokesman said.
    9. Fears that the Khmer Rouge, the strongest of three insurgent groups in Prince Norodom Sihanouk's resistance coalition, would regain power has been a major stumbling block to a negotiated settlement.
    10. Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Nabi Amani said soldiers advanced toward a guerrilla base at Torkham, six miles from the Pakistani border, after overrunning insurgent positions around Jalalabad.
    11. In Angola, only Sen. Gore leaves open the question of continuing assistance to the South African-backed UNITA insurgent forces, which are represented by a Washington, D.C., lobbying firm among whose partners is a major Gore backer.
    12. Even so, the man who supplemented his father's income by serving hamburgers at Scotti's drive-in here is in a peculiar position, an insurgent who is forced to run almost as an incumbent.
    13. The seven-month war began when Taylor led an insurgent force across he border from the Ivory Coast, accusing Doe of corruption and mismanagement.
    14. The Tupac army began fighting Peru's elected governments in 1984 and is the second-largest insurgent group operating in the country. The stronger Shining Path, a Maoist group, launched its insurgency in 1980.
    15. This is among the issues that a newly appointed U.S. envoy to the rebels, Edmund McWilliams, is expected to discuss with insurgent leaders operating out of base camps in Pakistan, the officials said.
    16. A U.K.-based rebel group condemned the nomination Tuesday of a new Somalian president by an insurgent faction that overran the capital last weekend after former President Siad Barre fled in a tank.
    17. Some carried placards saying, "We love democracy and human rights." Thousands of students, who were at the forefront of a nationwide campaign for democracy, fled to Thai border areas controlled by ethnic Burmese insurgent groups after Gen.
    18. Reporters have found that official and insurgent figures rarely coincide with the number of bodies discovered following combat.
    19. The Eritrean rebel attack erupted as the government appeared to be containing another offensive in the far south by a separate insurgent group, the Tigre People's Liberation Front.
    20. Bo Mya said recently that his insurgent group, called the Karen National Union, fields 17,000 troops.
    21. Speaking in Washington, the Salvadoran president said such a cutoff of outside military aid to insurgent forces is "an indispensable element" of a Central American peace accord signed Aug. 7.
    22. The rebels have the strongest insurgent movement in Latin America, and are waging war on the U.S.-backed government of Alfredo Cristiani.
    23. Severe food and fuel shortages have resulted from insurgent attacks on convoys along the highway, which carries departing Soviet soldiers home and supplies to Kabul, the capital.
    24. Mr. Aspin, who won the position two years ago in an insurgent candidacy against a sitting chairman, was the victim of a similar effort undertaken by Rep. Marvin Leath, a conservative Texan who now is the leading candidate to become chairman.
    25. The state pays for advertisements in newspapers explicitly linking union, rights and peasant groups to the insurgent army.
    26. Artillery fire reportedly was exchanged Saturday between the United Somali Congress and a smaller insurgent faction.
    27. Amnesty has cited numerous reports of routine torture of dissidents, particularly of members of insurgent groups.
    28. Ne Win's government adopted isolationatism and socialism and waged war against a dozen insurgent groups seeking greater autonomy from the central government.
    29. When he finally gave an abbreviated version of the talk, the Marine's voice choked as he described the grave of an insurgent killed in the war.
    30. "The foreign minister has assured us of their desire to help the Angolans achieve peace, stability and democracy," insurgent leader Jonas Savimbi said after an unprecedented 45-minute meeting with Shevardnadze at the Soviet Embassy.
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