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 innovative ['ɪno`vetɪv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 革新的, 创新的, 富有革新精神的

    [ adj ]
    1. ahead of the times

    2. <adj.all>
      the advanced teaching methods
      had advanced views on the subject
      a forward-looking corporation
      is British industry innovative enough?
    3. being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before

    4. <adj.all>
      stylistically innovative works
      innovative members of the artistic community
      a mind so innovational, so original

    Innovative \In"no*va*tive\, a.
    Characterized by, or introducing, innovations. --Fitzed.

    1. "I thought they would be more innovative and come up with their own products," Giordano said.
    2. Yet this is the essence of the proposal unveiled by Mexico on Dec. 29 to its U.S. creditor banks, and it is hailed by some in the financial community as "innovative" and "constructive."
    3. That a new breed of innovative retailers has entered the marketplace, intent on attracting customers to quality goods at lower prices, is precisely the secret of American competitive success.
    4. In the eye of the hurricane whipped up by the bidding stood the unassuming Hugel, who is described by those who know him as an innovative businessman who quietly tackles goals that some will only talk about.
    5. Even when Tupe rules applied, he expected bidders to be able to make 'genuinely innovative proposals' that would offer good value for money.
    6. Officials at the $26 million African tropical forest exhibit said they wanted to establish that the zoo's gorillas would be unable to reach the peak of the cliffs and thereby gain access to the public area of the innovative animal display.
    7. The impact of the recession upon the UK's innovative potential will have implications for the health of the economy long after the recession is formally declared over.
    8. For example, bankers here point to Mr. Letertre's enthusiastic use of an innovative form of investment funds that generate tax credits, known as "turbo funds," which have since been ruled illegal.
    9. Owen Williams' design was highly innovative for the 1930s. The production line dictated the length of the plant, and the need for as much natural light as possible produced the design of a concrete roof with 150,000 glass discs.
    10. The $267,000 study was meant as a guide for Posner, who must recommend a spending plan for easing problems of the homeless as part of an innovative sentence that kept him out of jail in the tax case.
    11. The innovative Ford transaction could be imitated by other multinational corporations, investment bankers and tax lawyers say.
    12. "The congressional oversight committees are working with the CIA to develop an innovative, long-term strategy that sheds cold war priorities and focuses on language and cultural skills and economic expertise," Boren wrote.
    13. In the past year, Coca-Cola has pulled off an innovative financial restructuring, selling to the public 51% of two bottling companies and announcing plans to do the same with its entertainment unit.
    14. But by breaking them, he has damaged the reputation of what is probably the most innovative and aggressive stock-trading firm outside of Wall Street.
    15. Among its innovative practices, the company gives bonuses to workers when they exceed a weekly production standard.
    16. Such notes bought by Lombard Odier had been issued by institutions such as the Halifax Building Society and the Republic of Ireland. 'As recently as a year ago, this type of investment was very innovative - no one much in London was doing it,' he says.
    17. An innovative feature of the regulatory program is that utility companies will be allowed to trade allowances that they don't use.
    18. However, the panel did adopt an innovative proposal by Rep. Thomas Ridge (R., Pa.) to encourage banks to expand their lending and services in low-income areas by giving them a credit against the premiums they pay for federal deposit insurance.
    19. It is innovative and rigorous, yet its task is to reintroduce us to the wisdom of Jefferson.
    20. Even so, it expects results to improve further this year. BMW will have to use its financial and innovative strength with increasing agility to keep matching the competition.
    21. Dominique Barnaud of the French navy defends his sub's maneuverability and its innovative compact reactor.
    22. He said the meeting would include governors, state education chiefs and local educators who are trying innovative approaches to improve learning.
    23. The changes will depend on Gorbachev's success in attracting new people who are honest, innovative and able to gain the people's confidence.
    24. "The fact that urine collection is a billion-dollar industry is a sad commentary" because there now are innovative and successful medical treatments to correct or improve the control of urinary function, Wein said.
    25. Rie's refined, minimalist vessels and the sculptural ceramic forms of Coper are among the most innovative and influential of the century.
    26. The aircraft has several features considered innovative, such as folding wingtips that allow it to be parked in slots designed for smaller planes.
    27. Cal Dive International, Inc. is a leading provider of innovative offshore construction, maintenance and decommissioning services for the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas industry.
    28. Some set store by innovative service. Virgin provides limousines to take passengers to and from airports, beauty therapy and massages.
    29. The exchange argued that the innovative products would allow insurers to stabilize underwriting risks, resulting in lower insurance costs for consumers.
    30. Conoco Inc. awarded the fabrication contract for a major piece of its innovative $400 million floating oil-platform in the Gulf of Mexico to a Far East shipbuilder, which beat out several U.S. competitors for the job.
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