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 inform [in'fɒ:m]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 通知, 使了解, 使充满

vi. 提供资料, 告发

[法] 告发, 告密, 诉冤

    [ verb ]
    1. impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to

    2. <verb.communication>
      I informed him of his rights
    3. give character or essence to

    4. <verb.change>
      The principles that inform modern teaching
    5. act as an informer

    6. <verb.communication>
      She had informed on her own parents for years

    Inform \In*form"\, a. [L. informis; pref. in- not + forma form,
    shape: cf. F. informe]
    Without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed. --Cotton.

    Inform \In*form"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Informed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Informing}.] [OE. enformen, OF. enformer, F. informer. L.
    informare; pref. in- in + formare to form, share, fr. forma
    form. See {Form}.]
    1. To give form or share to; to give vital or organizing
    power to; to give life to; to imbue and actuate with
    vitality; to animate; to mold; to figure; to fashion.
    ``The informing Word.'' --Coleridge.

    Let others better mold the running mass
    Of metals, and inform the breathing brass. --Dryden.

    Breath informs this fleeting frame. --Prior.

    Breathes in our soul, informs our mortal part.

    2. To communicate knowledge to; to make known to; to
    acquaint; to advise; to instruct; to tell; to notify; to
    enlighten; -- usually followed by of.

    For he would learn their business secretly,
    And then inform his master hastily. --Spenser.

    I am informed thoroughly of the cause. --Shak.

    3. To communicate a knowledge of facts to, by way of
    accusation; to warn against anybody.

    Tertullus . . . informed the governor against Paul.
    --Acts xxiv.

    Syn: To acquaint; apprise; tell; teach; instruct; enlighten;
    animate; fashion.

    Inform \In*form"\, v. t.
    1. To take form; to become visible or manifest; to appear.

    It is the bloody business which informs
    Thus to mine eyes. --Shak.

    2. To give intelligence or information; to tell. --Shak.

    He might either teach in the same manner, or inform
    how he had been taught. --Monthly Rev.

    {To inform against}, to communicate facts by way of
    accusation against; to denounce; as, two persons came to
    the magistrate, and informed against A.

    1. According to the sources, the complaint by lawyers for REI and the executives, William Moore and Robert Reedy, alleges that Valder never allowed government witnesses to inform a grand jury that they had not told REI executives about the payoffs to Voss.
    2. But Mr. Metzlaff contends that the disclosure didn't properly inform prospective shareholders of the true condition of Puma's flagging U.S. operations.
    3. The government is also requiring the exchange to increase its surveillance of trading and to periodically inform its members about its rules prohibiting trading done to artificially influence price or volume.
    4. The Foreign Office summoned the Iraqi ambassador to inform him of the expulsion but refused to link the action to the alleged smuggling operation.
    5. The company said its board was reviewing the offer and would inform shareholders of its position on the bid by March 29.
    6. The spokeswoman said nurses who see direct care workers sleeping are obligated to inform the workers' supervisors immediately.
    7. The woman, who requested anonymity because the people still work for her, says they didn't inform her about a joint venture they were negotiating with a Japanese supplier.
    8. 'We have something like a Bible of requirements that a code-sharing partner has to adhere to,' says Delta. Most of the big airlines have internal policies requiring reservation officers to inform passengers of any code-sharing arrangements.
    9. The company said that for one year its operators would inform callers if they are subject to the 75-cent surcharge.
    10. Information was shown on a state-by-state basis but Sikorski said more localized information has been given to each state, to inform residents of a community about emissions from their local plants.
    11. The indictment said Hershenson, the executive vice president who ran the day-to-day operations of the company, rejected an internal memo in 1981 urging Cordis to inform doctors of the pacemaker's problems.
    12. Activists are sent to the countryside to inform students there of developments at the heart of the movement.
    13. Others include a requirement that women inform their husbands if they plan to get an abortion, and a 24-hour waiting period.
    14. But at the time, Economics Ministry officials, answering parliamentary queries, denied the allegations. Government officials now explain that Delft wasn't required to inform it of shipments to Belgium, a NATO partner.
    15. The Army said it would inform lawmakers as the reductions are approved.
    16. The propaganda barrage has included calls for people to inform on friends and relatives.
    17. Plant owners are required to inform people living in the so-called EPZ what to do in an emergency.
    18. Georgia asked a federal appeals court Tuesday to allow implementation of a law opposed by abortion rights advocates that would require young women to inform their parents before having abortions.
    19. Ethical Japanese will be obliged to inform you that there are no plans whatsoever for re-accommodating the low and intermediate level waste generated by reprocessing at Thorp.
    20. We will inform you in due time," he added.
    21. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is starting a campaign to inform more high school and college students about their right to refuse to dissect animals, and about animal rights in general, executive director Joyce Tischler said Monday.
    22. The authorities didn't inform him of their suspicion, but returned the book and began to watch him closely.
    23. After meeting Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar to inform him of the Israeli government's official position regarding a mission, Ambassador Johanan Bein told reporters, "If they want to get in as tourists, they can come.
    24. When they see a plane out the window, they order the flight attendant to inform the pilot.
    25. He said he spoke about a need to better inform Congress of the benefits of these bonds.
    26. They must inform and, at times, indulge, the voters without pandering to gullibility or greed; and they must admit their mistakes. The voters should show more consistency, and greater rigour.
    27. In addition to setting the stage for Election Day, it helps you identify the political cast and inform those who are about to vote _ your readers, viewers and listeners.
    28. We cooperated with the Red Cross in the production of a videotape that is quite good to try and inform people on how to prevent the spread.
    29. The new openness may not persuade everyone; a wealth of information can be used to distract as well as inform.
    30. Though the auditor's specific role is yet undefined, some analysts suggest Union Carbide's recent agreement also might require it to inform the Indian court about major financial moves before they are completed.
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