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 immigrant ['imigrәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 移民

a. 移入的, 移民的

[法] 移民, 侨民

    [ noun ]
    a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there

    Immigrant \Im"mi*grant\, n. [L. immigrans, p. pr. of immigrare
    to go into: cf. F. immigrant. See {Immigrate}.]
    One who immigrates; one who comes to a country for the
    purpose of permanent residence; -- correlative of emigrant.

    Syn: See {Emigrant}.

    1. Saunas have flourished longer than another immigrant legacy: social radicalism.
    2. "I'm an immigrant in this country with no roots.
    3. The shortage already is apparent in the modest-priced units that Soviet immigrant families can afford on government housing subsidies of $237 monthly.
    4. In the 1991 state budget approved by the government this week, Israel has set aside $6.5 billion for immigrant absorption.
    5. The rate of low birth weight for the children of immigrant black mothers is 8.8%, much lower than the 13.3% rate for native-born black mothers.
    6. Gonzalez, a 36-year-old Cuban immigrant, spilled gasoline in the entrance of the illegal club and torched it after being rejected by a girlfriend employed there, authorities said.
    7. 'The Jewish settlement activity of today (in the West Bank and Gaza) is not directed by the priority of how to settle immigrant Russians and Ethiopians and how to provide work for them.
    8. But in the last few weeks Caritas has several times failed to pay out, hitting investor confidence. Caritas appears to be a classic Ponzi scam, named after Mr Charles Ponzi, an Italian immigrant operating in Boston just after the first world war.
    9. The five fiction works that were up for consideration included three books by immigrant authors - the first novels of Jessica Hagedorn and Ilena Castedo, and the 42-year-old second book of Felipe Alfau, who is 88.
    10. In grand jury testimony that has been made public as a result of pretrial motions, several government witnesses described Jurczek, a 68-year-old Hungarian immigrant, as a man bent on leading the world after the collapse.
    11. "Eating turkey on this day is a U.S. tradition that goes back centuries, to when a large group of immigrant families were on the point of starving to death.
    12. The biography admirably draws together the many adventurous threads that went into such a comparatively small body of work. We follow Hughes going steerage to New York and suffering the indignities of an immigrant's incarceration on Ellis Island.
    13. "An influx of immigrant workers in the mid-1970s dramatically changed Saudi consumer spending patterns," Williams writes in the April issue of AgExporter magazine.
    14. How much can they fine me for hiring an illegal immigrant?
    15. A judge ordered a 60-year-old Turkish immigrant to be transferred to Georgia to face charges that he helped a U.S. soldier sell intelligence secrets to East bloc countries.
    16. In response to an ad seeking housing in the Burgsteinfurt newspaper, Guenter Becker, another immigrant, didn't receive a single phone call.
    17. Kemp said sections of the nation with high refugee and immigrant populations, such as South Florida and Southern California, are a priority for Bush Administration funds.
    18. Another theory has it that the word derives from the Arabic "fela-mengh," or immigrant peasant and that many of the "cantes" or styles of flamenco songs were influenced by the Moors who occupied most of Spain for eight centuries.
    19. Congress asked the GAO to survey all available studies and data on illegal immigrants' impact on native and legal immigrant workers in 1985, when it was weighing the employer sanctions that were adopted a year later.
    20. NBC launched the two-part "The Fortunate Pilgrim," starring Sophia Loren as matriarch of an immigrant family, but got only a 13.1 and 22 share to rank 40th out of 73.
    21. Annexations, relatively low-cost housing and a swelling immigrant population contributed to making Fresno the quickest growing of the nation's top 50 cities over the past decade.
    22. Esther Gutierrez-Sloan, a Colombian immigrant and president of Salsarobics Inc., hopes her Latin-styled aerobics will help her rumba past more staid competitors.
    23. Gadhafi re-established relations with Tunisia in December, ending a two-year break caused when Libya expelled more than 30,000 immigrant workers, throwing them on to an already weak Tunisian labor market.
    24. For an immigrant, the question is not whether America is perfect, but whether it is better and fairer than the society he has left.
    25. Another time, after visiting immigrant workers from India's Bengal in a garment sweatshop, he looked shaken and angry.
    26. Based on government estimates that there are three to four people in each Soviet immigrant family, the total in Jerusalem translates to 3,420 to 4,560 immigrants in annexed areas.
    27. Mary V. Bicouvaris, a Greek immigrant who survived her country's Nazi occupation and brought her perspective to high school classes in American government, was named National Teacher of the Year on Tuesday.
    28. Federal agents questioned Abdel-Rahman about the Nov. 5 assassination of Kahane but found no evidence the sheik knows El Sayyid A. Nosair, the Egyptian immigrant charged in the slaying, the Times said.
    29. "Either they are totally confused or talk nonsense because they have been cut off from Judaism for generations," said Alexander Ilyin, 27, an immigrant who gives religious instructions to newcomers.
    30. Salwa Rifai, a Jordanian immigrant related by marriage to the Jordanian prime minister Zaid Rifai, died Saturday of injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident June 11. She was 45.
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