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 illumination [i,lju:mi'neiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 照明, 阐明, 启发

[医] 照明, 映光

    [ noun ]
    1. a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination

    2. <noun.state>
      follow God's light
    3. the degree of visibility of your environment

    4. <noun.state>
    5. an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding

    6. <noun.communication>
      the professor's clarification helped her to understand the textbook
    7. the luminous flux incident on a unit area

    8. <noun.attribute>
    9. painting or drawing included in a book (especially in illuminated medieval manuscripts)

    10. <noun.artifact>

    Illumination \Il*lu`mi*na"tion\, n. [L. illuminatio: cf. F.
    1. The act of illuminating, or supplying with light; the
    state of being illuminated.

    2. Festive decoration of houses or buildings with lights.

    3. Adornment of books and manuscripts with colored
    illustrations. See {Illuminate}, v. t., 3.

    4. That which is illuminated, as a house; also, an ornamented
    book or manuscript.

    5. That which illuminates or gives light; brightness;
    splendor; especially, intellectual light or knowledge.

    The illumination which a bright genius giveth to his
    work. --Felton.

    6. (Theol.) The special communication of knowledge to the
    mind by God; inspiration.

    Hymns and psalms . . . are framed by meditation
    beforehand, or by prophetical illumination are
    inspired. --Hooker.

    1. But for circuits to get tinier and denser, experts expect X-rays, which have a shorter wavelength, will have to replace light as the source of illumination for future generations of chips.
    2. The Marines returned fire with small arms" and fired some illumination rounds, Tuesday's statement said.
    3. At night, the glass-brick columns and white globes atop twisted lamp poles add illumination to the glow of colored lights and the sparkle of fountains.
    4. It's gone." Images created on the thermal paper used in fax machines last about six months _ less if they're exposed to sunlight or bright artificial illumination.
    5. For instance, he supplies retailers with white buckets for displaying his brightly colored citronella torches, which are used outdoors for illumination and driving away bugs.
    6. Despite its vivid illumination of the more disreputable aspects of Picasso's life, however, Mrs. Huffington's biography suffers, unfortunately, from a failure so fundamental that it renders her book almost useless as a guide to her subject's story.
    7. The ceiling is reeds, the floor earth, and the only illumination is daylight filtering in through the open door.
    8. Penumbra, which means "a space of partial illumination," was one of the vocabulary words during a morning reading lesson, made more difficult by burned-out light bulbs.
    9. Turkey has an association agreement with the EC and is moving towards a customs union in 1996. The visit follows the allied demarche to Iraq last week to remove missile batteries and end its radar illumination of allied aircraft.
    10. Emotion, illumination, thought-provocation for 999 viewers; blueprint for action for our lone Citizen Psychotic.
    11. "The lack of illumination at night isn't as important to us as taking more time to bomb (Iraq's) tanks so they can't kill Americans," he said.
    12. "It is a unique opportunity to try to correct the image of the present by bringing the illumination of the past," Eban says.
    13. Smith said he then warned the Iraqi jet that he planned to fire two "illumination rounds."
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