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 hypertrophic   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 肥大的, 过度膨胀的, 肥厚的

[医] 肥大的

    Hypertrophic \Hy`per*troph"ic\, Hypertrophical
    \Hy`per*troph"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. hypertrophique.] (Med. & Biol.)
    Of or pertaining to hypertrophy; affected with, or tending
    to, hypertrophy.

    1. This includes the armed forces, the political police, party functionaries and a hypertrophic bureaucracy that consists of 50 functionaries with the rank of minister, 200 vice ministers and a foreign service as large as that of a country as big as France.
    2. Warlick's main focus was an area of a chromosome near a marker for a hereditary heart ailment, familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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