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 hype [haip]   添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 大肆宣传,炒作

  1. The public are not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event.
  2. The hype surrounding the murder trial.

[ noun ]
  1. blatant or sensational promotion

  2. <noun.communication>
[ verb ]
  1. publicize in an exaggerated and often misleading manner

  2. <verb.communication>

Hipe \Hipe\, n. Also Hype \Hype\ . [Etym. uncertain.]
A throw in which the wrestler lifts his opponent from the
ground, swings him to one side, knocks up his nearer thigh
from the back with the knee, and throws him on his back.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

  1. "Quit this damn hype" that all types of cholesterol are bad for everybody, Mineur told the committee.
  2. Record company hype says the new album showcases Trower's maturity as a _ gasp! _ songwriter.
  3. Adds Robert Flaherty, editor of New York's OTC Review, a monthly magazine that tracks over-the-counter stocks, "Generally, the stuff sells on hype up there.
  4. Heavily promoted software titles, such as a video game based on the film Jurassic Park, arrived late and did not live up to the hype that preceded them. Over recent months, however, 3DO has been gaining momentum.
  5. Advertising will make familiar claims: that the new version washes whiter, works at lower temperatures, is kinder to the environment and so forth. For the owner of these brands, Anglo-Dutch giant Unilever, the hype will have more than the usual urgency.
  6. Executives from both companies say they're attempting to take advantage of the weeks of hype surrounding the game.
  7. With all the Hollywood hype to recruit stars for "Gone With the Wind," Mitchell, who wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winning best seller, kept her distance because she feared fellow Southerners would blame her if the movie didn't turn out well.
  8. The new campaign probably will go head-to-head with Visa and MasterCard to "hype usage," Mrs. Gillette says.
  9. No hype, no loud music, no quick cuts - but don't cut out genuine emotions and feelings.
  10. "All you have to do is read Daedalus to know we don't go in for hype," he said.
  11. But in a country where advertising has only recently arrived, western-style hype does not necessarily feel right.
  12. But as some see it, this only led to a feast of hype and hyperbole.
  13. Jacqueline Schachter, a clinical psychologist in New York, who specializes in phobias, says she believes marketing is important but "frustrating" because she has no training in it and doesn't want to be accused of hype.
  14. "You could say it was all hype."
  15. As part of the preshow hype, she described the match-up as "a blind date between Emily Dickinson and the Terminator." But the grandiose plans soon crashed head-on with a reality of mediocre ratings, poor reviews and, ultimately, diminished expectations.
  16. But this year, the hype was building for weeks as the government tried to shore up the army's image and prestige in the wake of the crackdown.
  17. Then she meets a carny, and as the publicity hype puts it: "sparks ignite into flames of passion."
  18. "Capital City" is a weekly series that premiered here three weeks ago amid unprecedented hype by its producer, Thames Television.
  19. Johnson's talent and stature certainly deserve that more than hype.
  20. His latest, profiles of 35 corporations' green consumer efforts, costs $1,495. "There's always going to be a mixture of hype" and good intentions behind such efforts, Mr. Frankel concedes.
  21. Given some of the hype which has gone with privatisations in the UK, it is perhaps churlish to jib at the hoop-la which accompanied Daimler Benz's New York listing.
  22. "Politics should be people, ideas and leadership, not multi-million-dollar TV hype," said La Follette, who said his low-budget campaigns more closely resembled those by the indefatigible Proxmire.
  23. With the right kind of hype, she may prove as much an audience draw in New York as she has already in London, where she is a permanent guest artist with the Royal Ballet.
  24. The American businessman said Western interest in the Soviet market is being driven more by "the hype of perestroika and the Gorbachev persona" than by government policy.
  25. But Academy President Robert Wise, a producer and director, sees no end to the hype.
  26. In spite of the hype about 'reinventing government' they are reluctant in the face of union opposition even to promote increased parental choice in the public sector.
  27. Much of the hype comes from a new breed of practitioner: the specialist in dermatology, gynecology or some other field who has begun doing cosmetic surgery in the office to cash in on a trend.
  28. The phenomenal success of "The Simpsons" begets such hype.
  29. "Despite the hype resulting from Icahn's focus on second-quarter operating income, which ignores interest and preferred charges, we consider TWA's earnings inadequate."
  30. But the environmentalist hype and the news accounts are not correct.
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