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 hydrae 添加此单词到默认生词本
难以根除的祸害, [动]水螅

    Hydra \Hy"dra\, n.; pl. E. {Hydras}, L. {Hydr[ae]}. [L. hydra,
    Gr. "y`dra; akin to "y`dwr water. See {Otter} the animal,
    1. (Class. Myth.) A serpent or monster in the lake or marsh
    of Lerna, in the Peloponnesus, represented as having many
    heads, one of which, when cut off, was immediately
    succeeded by two others, unless the wound was cauterized.
    It was slain by Hercules. Hence, a terrible monster.

    Gorgons, and Hydras, and Chimeras dire. --Milton.

    2. Hence: A multifarious evil, or an evil having many
    sources; not to be overcome by a single effort.

    3. (Zo["o]l.) Any small fresh-water hydroid of the genus
    {Hydra}, usually found attached to sticks, stones, etc.,
    by a basal sucker.

    Note: The body is a simple tube, having a mouth at one
    extremity, surrounded by a circle of tentacles with
    which it captures its prey. Young hydras bud out from
    the sides of the older ones, but soon become detached
    and are then like their parent. Hydras are remarkable
    for their power of repairing injuries; for if the body
    be divided in pieces, each piece will grow into a
    complete hydra, to which fact the name alludes. The
    zooids or hydranths of marine hydroids are sometimes
    called hydras.

    4. (Astron.) A southern constellation of great length lying
    southerly from Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.

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