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 hussy ['hʌsi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 粗野女子, 轻佻女子

    [ noun ]
    a woman adulterer

    Hussy \Hus"sy\, n. [From Icel. h?si a case, prob. fr. h?s house.
    See {House}, and cf. {Housewife} a bag, {Huswife} a bag.]
    A case or bag. See {Housewife}, 2.

    Hussy \Hus"sy\, n. [Contr. fr. huswife.]
    1. A housewife or housekeeper. [Obs.]

    2. A worthless woman or girl; a forward wench; a jade; --
    used as a term of contempt or reproach. --Grew.

    3. A pert girl; a frolicsome or sportive young woman; -- used
    jocosely. --Goldsmith.

    Housewife \House"wife`\, n. [House + wife. Cf. {Hussy}.]
    1. The wife of a householder; the mistress of a family; the
    female head of a household. --Shak.

    He a good husband, a good housewife she. --Dryden.

    2. (Usually pronounced ?.) [See {Hussy}, in this sense.] A
    little case or bag for materials used in sewing, and for
    other articles of female work; -- called also {hussy}.
    [Written also {huswife}.] --P. Skelton.

    3. A hussy. [R.] [Usually written {huswife}.] --Shak.

    {Sailor's housewife}, a ditty-bag.

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