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 hush [hʌʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 肃静, 安静, 沉默

vt. (使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默

interj. 嘘, 别作声


    Hush \Hush\ (h[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hushed} (h[u^]sht);
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Hushing}.] [OE. huschen, hussen, prob. of
    imitative origin; cf. LG. hussen to lull to sleep, G. husch
    quick, make haste, be silent.]
    1. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress
    the noise or clamor of.

    My tongue shall hush again this storm of war.

    2. To appease; to allay; to calm; to soothe.

    With thou, then,
    Hush my cares? --Otway.

    And hush'd my deepest grief of all. --Tennyson.

    {To hush up}, to procure silence concerning; to suppress; to
    keep secret. ``This matter is hushed up.'' --Pope.

    Hush \Hush\, v. i.
    To become or to keep still or quiet; to become silent; --
    esp. used in the imperative, as an exclamation; be still; be
    silent or quiet; make no noise.

    Hush, idle words, and thoughts of ill. --Keble.

    But all these strangers' presence every one did hush.

    Hush \Hush\, n.
    Stillness; silence; quiet. [R.] ``It is the hush of night.''

    {Hush money}, money paid to secure silence, or to prevent the
    disclosure of facts. --Swift.

    Hush \Hush\, a.
    Silent; quiet. ``Hush as death.'' --Shak.

    1. But it would be hard to convince investors that paying hush money was in their interests.
    2. "Two little old ladies from Brookhaven _ Woodie Thomas and Miriam Moyer _who have started a mail-order hush puppy business in their home are also coming up this year for the first time," McPherson says.
    3. A former PTL board member testified Thursday he didn't know about hush money paid Jessica Hahn until two months before Bakker quit the television ministry over the sex and money scandal.
    4. Hyatt Hotel magnate Jay Pritzker, who early last week confirmed that he is considering a bid for Pan Am, remained hush on the status of his discussions with the airline.
    5. And it is there at the end in the hush in which he says 'The sun has set'.
    6. Shukan Shincho suggested the payment, which the woman returned, was meant as hush money to prevent her from disclosing their liaison once Mr. Yamashita became a top government leader.
    7. Here, his Chopin (replacing Skryabin, Mozart and Brahms) was immaculate in its way, but distinctly tame. The opening of the big C minor Nocturne was superb and unexpected: a suspended hush, with beautifully liquid basses under a poignant singing line.
    8. The hush continued as the news came through that the Conservatives had held it.
    9. A hush has fallen over the lobby which used to buzz with businessmen ahead of their midday meetings. The rows of exclusive nightclubs and hostess bars in Ginza are also feeling the pinch.
    10. It looks as hefty as the Vauxhall Frontera and also shares a pick-up truck's underpinnings. Land Rover, meanwhile, is showing the best all-round version of the Discovery yet: a diesel automatic with a hush pack.
    11. Gaviria's administration has tried to hush press reports about the hostages - seven journalists and the sister of a Colombian ambassador.
    12. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has thus far done her best to hush the British scandal up.
    13. Nordam officials said a final design for the hush kits for Pratt & Whitney's JT8D engine will be selected in May 1990, with certification expected by the FAA in late 1991.
    14. In another development Thursday involving Silverado, Rep. Frank Annunzio, D-Ill., suggested that a $10,000 donation to the Republicans by developer Ken Good could have been "hush money" to block an investigation of the Denver thrift.
    15. In some cases, planes may be equipped with "hush kits" that reduce engine noise to comply with the new requirements.
    16. Adams accused Ms. Tupper, whose parents had been close friends of his, of trying to blackmail him for $400,000 in "hush money." Adams denied making any sexual advances, but said he made a mistake letting the woman stay at his home.
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