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 hurry ['hʌri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 匆忙, 急忙, 急促

vt. 急派, 催促

vi. 匆忙, 赶快

    [ noun ]
    1. a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry

    2. <noun.state>
      in a hurry to lock the door
    3. overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)

    4. <noun.attribute>
      he soon regretted his haste
    5. the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner

    6. <noun.act>
      in his haste to leave he forgot his book
    [ verb ]
    1. move very fast

    2. <verb.motion> speed travel rapidly zip
      The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed
    3. act or move at high speed

    4. <verb.change>
      festinate hasten look sharp rush
      We have to rush!
      hurry--it's late!
    5. urge to an unnatural speed

    6. <verb.change>
      Don't rush me, please!

    Hurry \Hur"ry\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hurried}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Hurrying}.] [OE. horien; cf. OSw. hurra to whirl round,
    dial. Sw. hurr great haste, Dan. hurre to buzz, Icel. hurr
    hurly-burly, MHG. hurren to hurry, and E. hurr, whir to
    hurry; all prob. of imitative origin.]
    1. To hasten; to impel to greater speed; to urge on.

    Impetuous lust hurries him on. --South.

    They hurried him abroad a bark. --Shak.

    2. To impel to precipitate or thoughtless action; to urge to
    confused or irregular activity.

    And wild amazement hurries up and down
    The little number of your doubtful friends. --Shak.

    3. To cause to be done quickly.

    Syn: To hasten; precipitate; expedite; quicken; accelerate;

    Hurry \Hur"ry\, v. i.
    To move or act with haste; to proceed with celerity or
    precipitation; as, let us hurry.

    {To hurry up}, to make haste. [Colloq.]

    Hurry \Hur"ry\, n.
    The act of hurrying in motion or business; pressure; urgency;
    bustle; confusion.

    Ambition raises a tumult in the soul, it inflames the
    mind, and puts into a violent hurry of thought.

    Syn: Haste; speed; dispatch. See {Haste}.

    1. A sales tax increase appears to be the fastest and easiest to raise funds in a hurry.
    2. Mrs. Whatley said her husband, an oil foreman held since the invasion, hoped to hurry home to visit his critically ill father.
    3. Simmons, 48, was sentenced to death last month for the slayings and on Thursday, Simmons asked the high court to hurry its review of his competency to waive appeals from last month's conviction.
    4. "It escaped in such an incredible hurry, so fast, that even if the equipment had been in place, it wouldn't have been enough," he said.
    5. He is in less of a hurry to remove the 15 multiple rule.
    6. The other, stockholder-owned, half of the life-insurance industry is of course in no hurry to see deregulatory legislation that would help the mutual companies solve their special problem.
    7. However, government officials don't show much sign of being in a hurry to sell off any of the state's insurance shares.
    8. But governments are in no hurry.
    9. Four best-selling authors questioned by TV Guide couldn't agree on who killed Laura Palmer in ABC's "Twin Peaks," but say the series better solve the crime in a hurry.
    10. He also said it was doubtful that the Federal Reserve would be in any hurry to increase interest rates in the countdown to the U.S. presidential election.
    11. He said Eastern didn't bother with a formal agency review "because obviously they're in a big hurry.
    12. I got off the bridge in a hurry and called the Fire Department." The bridge, built in 1852 by Lemuel Chenoweth, was known for its arched, all-poplar frame held together by iron bolts.
    13. 'I am saying to companies that if they want to be first, they had better hurry up.' The accuracy and usefulness of the green data provided is developing rather more slowly, however.
    14. Like sandpaper, they range from coarse _ for removing a lot of metal in a hurry _ to ultra-fine for putting the finishing polish on an edge.
    15. He said he was in no hurry to meet personally with Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
    16. "I don't think the market's really in a hurry to take the dollar higher," he adds.
    17. To emphasize the softness of his collection, Armani takes the edge out of the hemline, leaving it unevenly stitched and un-ironed, as if it had been tucked up in a hurry.
    18. "The first sign of the terrible threat of an epidemic _ dead dogs and swarming rats _ are forcing rescue teams to hurry, since no leveling of the town can be done with corpses still remaining in their stone graves," he said.
    19. Frazier, who attended his hearing without an attorney Thursday, told district Justice Erika McVicker he wasn't feeling well and was in a hurry to get home when state police radar clocked his car at 74 mph on Aug. 23.
    20. Everyone in New York, it seems, wants something in a hurry.
    21. The threats and all what they are doing will not change the Iraqi position.' None of the western allies appears in a hurry to implement threats.
    22. These people stand for stability, a reasonable relationship with China, no hurry on democracy, and keeping the economic environment favourable for business.
    23. "But the crown prince seems to be in no hurry, and hasn't found the right woman yet," the source said earlier this month, requesting anonymity.
    24. "He proceeded to run a check on the license plate and license and she told him she was in a hurry and she left," Smith said.
    25. Brokers buy and sell worms in a hurry because they don't have a place to store them.
    26. "To wish the next recession would hurry up so I can prove myself?"
    27. "The question is so serious let's not hurry," said Igor Gryazin of Tartu in Estonia.
    28. Traders confirmed that stocks behaved as if investors were in a hurry.
    29. Mengistu spurned the United States and its Western allies when he achieved power 13 years ago, and they are in no hurry to improve relations.
    30. Legislation at the Federal level would merely hurry up the laggards. So far cable companies have taken only tentative steps into the Dollars 100bn local telephone market.
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