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 huff [hʌf]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 激怒, 发怒, 提高价格, 吹胀

vi. 吹气, 恫吓, 发怒

n. 发怒


    Huff \Huff\, v. i.
    1. To enlarge; to swell up; as, bread huffs.

    2. To bluster or swell with anger, pride, or arrogance; to
    storm; to take offense.

    This senseless arrogant conceit of theirs made them
    huff at the doctrine of repentance. --South.

    3. (Draughts) To remove from the board a man which could have
    captured a piece but has not done so; -- so called because
    it was the habit to blow upon the piece.

    Huff \Huff\, n.
    1. A swell of sudden anger or arrogance; a fit of
    disappointment and petulance or anger; a rage. ``Left the
    place in a huff.'' --W. Irving.

    2. A boaster; one swelled with a false opinion of his own
    value or importance.

    Lewd, shallow-brained huffs make atheism and
    contempt of religion the sole badge . . . of wit.

    {To take huff}, to take offence. --Cowper.

    Huff \Huff\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Huffed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Huffing}.] [Cf. OE. hoove to puff up, blow; prob. of
    imitative origin.]
    1. To swell; to enlarge; to puff up; as, huffed up with air.

    2. To treat with insolence and arrogance; to chide or rebuke
    with insolence; to hector; to bully.

    You must not presume to huff us. --Echard.

    3. (Draughts) To remove from the board (the piece which could
    have captured an opposing piece). See {Huff}, v. i., 3.

    1. Former Premier Giovanni Spadolini, now Senate president, reportedly left in a huff because he didn't like his third-row seat.
    2. They all left in a huff promising never to return to play in the park.
    3. Nobody left the party in a huff, however.
    4. Von Karajan's terse letter Thursday to festival president Albert Moser gave no reasons for the surprise decision, prompting speculation the maestro may have quit in a huff rather than because he is ill.
    5. Mr. Fletcher has left Kidder in a huff, and now he and the big investment bank are battling each other in court in a pay dispute.
    6. They still turn out along the chain-link fence on Oneida Avenue, across from Lambeau Field, to watch the team huff through its summer labors, but expectations seem to have diminished.
    7. He called himself "the son of a son of a movement" when he became president of his father's memorial center, but left the center in a huff four months later amid a reported power struggle with his mother, Coretta Scott King.
    8. The huff of hypocrisy was audible throughout this boring account of the publisher of Sunday Sport and other tawdry gems of popular literature. I am reasonably sure I would not enjoy having Sullivan to dinner.
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