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 hover ['hʌvә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 盘旋, 翱翔, 徘徊


n. 翱翔


    Hover \Hov"er\, n. [Etymol. doubtful.]
    A cover; a shelter; a protection. [Archaic] --Carew. --C.

    Hover \Hov"er\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Hovered}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Hovering}.] [OE. hoveren, and hoven, prob. orig., to abide,
    linger, and fr. AS. hof house; cf. OFries. hovia to receive
    into one's house. See {Hovel}.]
    1. To hang fluttering in the air, or on the wing; to remain
    in flight or floating about or over a place or object; to
    be suspended in the air above something.

    Great flights of birds are hovering about the
    bridge, and settling on it. --Addison.

    A hovering mist came swimming o'er his sight.

    2. To hang about; to move to and fro near a place,
    threateningly, watchfully, or irresolutely.

    Agricola having sent his navy to hover on the coast.

    Hovering o'er the paper with her quill. --Shak.

    1. Youngsters hover over her pink nightie, little doll and blue comb.
    2. If the Soviets export 1.3 million barrels a day to the West and prices continue to hover at $25 a barrel, compared with $16 a barrel before the Iraqi crisis, they stand to gain $1.5 billion in additional hard currency this year.
    3. Texaco's stock, meanwhile has continued to hover at levels near $50 per share, as Icahn kept up his attacks on its management.
    4. To enter government, he will also need to remove some of the more overtly fascist elements that hover in the party wings.
    5. The question that has haunted the debate for decades continues to hover.
    6. Mr. Bass expects the yield on the most actively traded 30-year Treasury bond, now 8.70%, to hover between 8 1/4% and 8 3/4% over the next month or two.
    7. The project would be the world's first to use high-speed trains, known as maglevs, that hover over their tracks on powerful magnets.
    8. Mr. Greenspan expects U.S. interest rates to hover close to their current levels or to increase in coming months.
    9. The inflation rate stood at 4.9% in June, and most analysts expect it to hover around the government's target of 5% for the year.
    10. "The dollar is continuing to hover around the 124-125 yen range of the past two weeks because of the absence of market-influencing news," said a Mitsubishi Bank exchange dealer, who requested anonymity.
    11. Most estimates for July hover around $11.5 billion.
    12. Mr. Sohn estimates that if adjustments were made for Americans who have dropped out of the labor force and for those who are only working part time because they can't find full-time jobs, the unemployment rate would hover around 12% to 13%.
    13. Blimps can hover longer and more quietly than helicopters.
    14. The pound, meanwhile, continued to hover around 3.00 marks.
    15. An administration energy expert says consumers can expect the price of gasoline to hover between $1.30 and $1.62 over the next year, that is if no war breaks out in the Persian Gulf.
    16. It is not likely because pay settlements continue to hover at around 4 per cent, where they have been for much of the past year.
    17. The stock continues to hover near its 52-week low, set last week at 42 5/8.
    18. She is slender, with a gently commanding technique - balances hover; steps poise and hang upon a breath of air - and she brings a total concentration upon the drama.
    19. Inflation is expected to hover just below 10 per cent. His budget cheered the stock market which ended the day 11 points away from its all-time high of 6,447, reached on November 12 last year.
    20. The allegations against Gingrich, revolving around a partnership formed to promote a book he co-authored, are not the only reasons an ethics cloud will hover over the House while Democrats try to divert attention from their leaders' conduct.
    21. (Good Orton must hover on the brink of camp.) Wittily, Kate Owen has located the two plays next door to each other, in two halves of one semi-detached house on the same revolving stage.
    22. Nevertheless, he expects yields on 30-year government issues to hover between 8 1/2% and 9% for the rest of the year.
    23. "We are satisfied it was not a jump start, but a bona fide hover that did take place," said Malvern Gross, president of the National Aeronautic Association in Washington.
    24. The number of service jobs roughly offset the losses in manufacturing, leaving city employment to hover at the 1.2m mark since 1977. Diversification helped insulate Chicago from the worst effects of the 1990-91 economic downturn.
    25. The craft is designed to take off vertically in a small area and to hover relatively motionless, even in windy conditions.
    26. He added that his recent survey of 267 institutional investment decision-makers showed that most expect the budget deficit to hover between $160 billion and $170 billion "as far as the eye can see."
    27. The group forecast that full-year earnings will hover at 1986's record level.
    28. But as police investigators hover around him, he will have great difficulty in preserving all that he has gained.
    29. Many specialists expect the rate on federal funds, or overnight loans between banks, to hover between 6 3/4% and 6 7/8% in coming days.
    30. NIGEL TAPLEY is a director of a renowned City investment bank, where typical annual salaries hover around Pounds 100,000. People on this level of earnings will be hit hard by Labour's tax plans.
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