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 hollow ['hɒlәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 洞, 窟窿, 山谷

a. 空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的, 凹的

vi. 形成空洞

vt. 挖空

[医] 穴, 凹

    [ noun ]
    1. a cavity or space in something

    2. <noun.shape>
      hunger had caused the hollows in their cheeks
    3. a small valley between mountains

    4. <noun.object>
      he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians
    5. a depression hollowed out of solid matter

    6. <noun.object>
    [ verb ]
    1. remove the inner part or the core of

    2. <verb.contact> dig excavate
      the mining company wants to excavate the hillside
    3. remove the interior of

    4. <verb.contact>
      core out hollow out
      hollow out a tree trunk
    [ adj ]
    1. not solid; having a space or gap or cavity

    2. <adj.all>
      a hollow wall
      a hollow tree
      hollow cheeks
      his face became gaunter and more hollow with each year
    3. as if echoing in a hollow space

    4. <adj.all>
      the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom
    5. devoid of significance or point

    6. <adj.all>
      empty promises
      a hollow victory
      vacuous comments

    Hollow \Hol"low\, n.
    1. A cavity, natural or artificial; an unfilled space within
    anything; a hole, a cavern; an excavation; as the hollow
    of the hand or of a tree.

    2. A low spot surrounded by elevations; a depressed part of a
    surface; a concavity; a channel.

    Forests grew
    Upon the barren hollows. --Prior.

    I hate the dreadful hollow behind the little wood.

    Hollow \Hol"low\, a. [OE. holow, holgh, holf, AS. holh a hollow,
    hole. Cf. {Hole}.]
    1. Having an empty space or cavity, natural or artificial,
    within a solid substance; not solid; excavated in the
    interior; as, a hollow tree; a hollow sphere.

    Hollow with boards shalt thou make it. --Ex. xxvii.

    2. Depressed; concave; gaunt; sunken.

    With hollow eye and wrinkled brow. --Shak.

    3. Reverberated from a cavity, or resembling such a sound;
    deep; muffled; as, a hollow roar. --Dryden.

    4. Not sincere or faithful; false; deceitful; not sound; as,
    a hollow heart; a hollow friend. --Milton.

    {Hollow newel} (Arch.), an opening in the center of a winding
    staircase in place of a newel post, the stairs being
    supported by the wall; an open newel; also, the
    stringpiece or rail winding around the well of such a

    {Hollow quoin} (Engin.), a pier of stone or brick made behind
    the lock gates of a canal, and containing a hollow or
    recess to receive the ends of the gates.

    {Hollow root}. (Bot.) See {Moschatel}.

    {Hollow square}. See {Square}.

    {Hollow ware}, hollow vessels; -- a trade name for cast-iron
    kitchen utensils, earthenware, etc.

    Syn: Syn.- Concave; sunken; low; vacant; empty; void; false;
    faithless; deceitful; treacherous.

    Hollow \Hol"low\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hollowed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Hollowing}.]
    To make hollow, as by digging, cutting, or engraving; to
    excavate. ``Trees rudely hollowed.'' --Dryden.

    Hollow \Hol"low\, adv.
    Wholly; completely; utterly; -- chiefly after the verb to
    beat, and often with all; as, this story beats the other all
    hollow. See {All}, adv. [Colloq.]

    The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have
    beaten the Turks hollow in the struggle for existence.

    Hollow \Hol*low"\, interj. [See {Hollo}.]

    Hollow \Hol"low\, v. i.
    To shout; to hollo.

    Whisperings and hollowings are alike to a deaf ear.

    Hollow \Hol"low\, v. t.
    To urge or call by shouting.

    He has hollowed the hounds. --Sir W.

    1. The plan is for an elaborate system of barriers to close off the three large entrances to the lagoon, consisting of rows of giant hollow metal boxes fixed to hinges on the sea floor.
    2. Women of the Revolution consists of 27 more or less identical institutional metal-frame single beds, the mattresses and sheets of lead, and each with a slight hollow and puddle of water in the middle.
    3. The herder and his family just follow along, listening for the jingle bells around our necks and the hollow clicking noise the herd makes on the move.
    4. The coffee issue makes Bush's recent speech to the nation ring hollow.
    5. His voice often had an appropriate hollow tone.
    6. "This is not a hollow victory when you see the issues that were at stake," Michael Fay, leader of the New Zealand sailing syndicate, said Tuesday after a New York judge ruled that San Diego's defense of the Cup was illegal.
    7. Every risk, says the advertisement, deserves a second look. For Bankers Trust, author of the message, the line must have something of a hollow ring.
    8. I was surprised to discover that the pillars are mostly made of wood and are hollow.
    9. The result is pernicious for Republican growth: Cold political calculus argues that courting black votes in primaries is a waste of resources; but that makes appeals in the general election ring hollow.
    10. 'The gratification for shareholders is swift, but if you get hooked on cutting, you hollow out your ability to compete in the long term.
    11. Reagan's promise to balance the federal budget was hollow.
    12. If Mr. Yeltsin is able to take Russia down an independent path, Mr. Gorbachev's own recent elevation to the newly created presidency of the Soviet Union would look rather hollow.
    13. "I think it is a hollow parody of the original," says Christopher Baldwin, a Dartmouth junior and editor of the Dartmouth Review, an independent campus newspaper.
    14. The jury's decisions nevertheless outraged relatives of many of the crash victims, who said they had been denied even a hollow victory.
    15. In context of the events of the last nine months in the Middle East, it is all the easier to see Klinghoffer for what it is: hollow, pretentious, effete and phoney.
    16. Devine said the allegations were "hollow" when compared to cases in which courts have found evidence of racially discriminatory intent, especially against blacks.
    17. It sounds like a cross between a female mezzo-soprano and words coming through a hollow reed.
    18. "I do not regard these threats as hollow," he said. "This has been proved by past events," he added, apparently referring to sabotage attacks in Zimbabwe by South African soldiers and agents.
    19. Instead the mighty buildings stand for a hollow and horrific period of megalomania. Peter Adam has gathered from the slowly opening archives a good collection of visual images many of which have never been seen before.
    20. "If you ain't never been up in this hollow square, it's the prettiest sound in the world," says Hugh McGraw of Bremen, Ga.
    21. The crystals photographed by Mrs. Knight are shaped like columns with vase-shaped hollow centers.
    22. The trade association representing the nation's major oil companies has adopted a set of "guiding environmental principles," but an environmentalist says they sound like hollow promises.
    23. Try to keep your back's natural hollow when kneeling.
    24. The arguments look rather hollow when set against the unit trust figures revealed in the accompanying tables. An investor in the average smaller companies fund, for example, is still losing money on his initial investment after five long years.
    25. For those who rose up, U.S. talk of promoting democracy and human rights now rings hollow.
    26. "The whole area was completely destroyed," the fire chief said. "Only some hollow huts made of brick were left standing."
    27. Speeches made by the prime minister before sterling was ejected from the exchange rate mechanism a year ago sounded hollow in the aftermath of Black Wednesday.
    28. He said the changes turned the measure into "the hollow shell of a civil rights bill." He said long delays in sending the bill to the White House most likely will enable Bush to stop the bill with a pocket veto if he so desires.
    29. The panel, only about 32-thousandths of an inch thick, is stiffened from the underside by five "hat channels," hollow structures running fore to aft.
    30. They are well-armed and sport gold watches or nuggets, but most have hollow cheeks, dull eyes and dirty shorts.
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