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 headland ['hedlәnd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 陆岬, 未耕地

  1. She likes to stand on the headland to watch the ships.
  2. A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland.
  3. The fleet lay at anchor half a mile off the headland.

[ noun ]
a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)

Headland \Head"land\ (h[e^]d"l[a^]nd), n.
1. A cape; a promontory; a point of land projecting into the
sea or other expanse of water. ``Sow the headland with
wheat.'' --Shak.

2. A ridge or strip of unplowed at the ends of furrows, or
near a fence. --Tusser.

  1. REMOTE and ancient, it rises out of the sea, in the shadow of the 1,500 ft peak of Roineval on the south east corner of Harris - a rocky headland like thousands in the Scottish Hebrides. But Lingarabay point is not the same as all the others.
  2. As then, the first fire was lit at Kynance, a headland near Lizard village in the southwest tip of Cornwall, where local people say the Armada was first sighted sailing up the English Channel in 1588.
  3. The event was shown live on national TV as the ambassador lit the fuel in a big iron brazier atop an oak pole at the Kynance headland.
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