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 hay tedder 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Hay \Hay\, n. [OE. hei, AS. h[=e]g; akin to D. hooi, OHG. hewi,
    houwi, G. heu, Dan. & Sw. h["o], Icel. hey, ha, Goth. hawi
    grass, fr. the root of E. hew. See {Hew} to cut.]
    Grass cut and cured for fodder.

    Make hay while the sun shines. --Camden.

    Hay may be dried too much as well as too little. --C.
    L. Flint.

    {Hay cap}, a canvas covering for a haycock.

    {Hay fever} (Med.), nasal catarrh accompanied with fever, and
    sometimes with paroxysms of dyspn[oe]a, to which some
    persons are subject in the spring and summer seasons. It
    has been attributed to the effluvium from hay, and to the
    pollen of certain plants. It is also called {hay asthma},
    {hay cold}, {rose cold}, and {rose fever}.

    {Hay knife}, a sharp instrument used in cutting hay out of a
    stack or mow.

    {Hay press}, a press for baling loose hay.

    {Hay tea}, the juice of hay extracted by boiling, used as
    food for cattle, etc.

    {Hay tedder}, a machine for spreading and turning new-mown
    hay. See {Tedder}.

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