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 hate [het]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 憎恨, 恨, 厌恶

vt. 憎恨, 憎恶

vi. 仇恨

  1. She looked at him with hate in her eyes.
  2. They hate each other.
  3. She hates to be late for work.

[ noun ]
  1. the emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action

  2. <noun.feeling>
[ verb ]
  1. dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards

  2. <verb.emotion> detest
    I hate Mexican food
    She detests politicians

Hate \Hate\ (h[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hated}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Hating}.] [OE. haten, hatien, AS. hatian; akin to OS.
hatan, hat[=o]n to be hostile to, D. haten to hate, OHG.
hazz[=e]n, hazz[=o]n, G. hassen, Icel. & Sw. hata, Dan. hade,
Goth. hatan, hatjan. [root]36. Cf. {Hate}, n., {Heinous}.]
1. To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire that
evil should befall the person toward whom the feeling is
directed; to dislike intensely; to detest; as, to hate
one's enemies; to hate hypocrisy.

Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. --1 John
iii. 15.

2. To be very unwilling; followed by an infinitive, or a
substantive clause with that; as, to hate to get into
debt; to hate that anything should be wasted.

I hate that he should linger here. --Tennyson.

3. (Script.) To love less, relatively. --Luke xiv. 26.

Syn: To {Hate}, {Abhor}, {Detest}, {Abominate}, {Loathe}.

Usage: Hate is the generic word, and implies that one is
inflamed with extreme dislike. We abhor what is deeply
repugnant to our sensibilities or feelings. We detest
what contradicts so utterly our principles and moral
sentiments that we feel bound to lift up our voice
against it. What we abominate does equal violence to
our moral and religious sentiments. What we loathe is
offensive to our own nature, and excites unmingled
disgust. Our Savior is said to have hated the deeds of
the Nicolaitanes; his language shows that he loathed
the lukewarmness of the Laodiceans; he detested the
hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees; he abhorred
the suggestions of the tempter in the wilderness.

Hate \Hate\, n. [OE. hate, hete, AS. hete; akin to D. haat, G.
hass, Icel. hatr, SW. hat, Dan. had, Goth. hatis. Cf. {Hate},
Strong aversion coupled with desire that evil should befall
the person toward whom the feeling is directed; as exercised
toward things, intense dislike; hatred; detestation; --
opposed to love.

For in a wink the false love turns to hate. --Tennyson.

  1. We don't hate this country.
  2. Shamir called the meeting "a slap in the face" and told party members "It was possible to see on television how much they (Said and Abu Lughod) hate Israel," the daily Yediot Ahronot reported Thursday.
  3. "We always hate to see our companies being taken over, and we're often not satisfied with the price," he said.
  4. Still boyish-looking, though the skinny frame has filled out and there is gray in the beard, Mr. Spielberg professes to hate the thought of being a movie mogul.
  5. He was the best and I hate to see it go away." Six clergymen went under bridge overpasses and through city parks to meet the homeless in an overnight visit that served as a spiritual kickoff to a $1.2 million fund-raising drive.
  6. Hurling high Bs, our Turandot described how the brutal murder of an ancestor thousands of years ago made her hate all men.
  7. A hate crimes bill was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on March 9 and supporters are hoping for a floor vote.
  8. I hate starting something and leaving it hang." Underwood left Carnegie Mellon's drama department midway through his junior year and headed for New York.
  9. "I hate to say it's terrific and help the underwriters raise the price," said a major New York investor.
  10. "He's a dedicated and talented man and we hate to lose him," Publisher T.J. Tergliafera said.
  11. At her sentencing, however, she had told the judge of her boyfriend: "I don't hate him, but I hope someday he goes through the hell that I had to go through.
  12. "I'll be glad to get back to Ohio," he said. "No offense, but I hate Texas." Later, speaking to about 60 reporters at a news conference, he softened that assessment and said he held no grudge.
  13. "First you hate yourself for being in that predicament," she wrote in a composition that placed second in a citywide contest. "Then that feeling of hate spreads towards those around you.
  14. "First you hate yourself for being in that predicament," she wrote in a composition that placed second in a citywide contest. "Then that feeling of hate spreads towards those around you.
  15. Close friends, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Emec had received threats and hate mail recently from Islamic groups.
  16. God, I'd hate to have had some of those answers stand.
  17. His and other people's clients don't seem to be listening. "Fund managers hate to be blindsided," he says, adding: "If you accept that oil prices will be higher, you are accepting that the economy will be weak.
  18. Saatchi, which last year was the agency everyone loved to hate because of its acquisition binge, has turned some of its critics into admirers by posting strong earnings.
  19. Thought for Today: "We fear something before we hate it.
  20. The bill would require the Justice Department to collect hate crime statistics and publish them annually so that federal, state and local law-enforcement officials can measure trends and deploy resources more effectively.
  21. After all that's been said the past week, we'd hate to think Congress would go off on some unilateral scheme without considering the effect on the allies and so forth.
  22. He added, "We hate them.
  23. This arbitrary reaction caused the "masses to come to hate" the revolutionary commitees, he said.
  24. Slurs and hate mail pursued him.
  25. 'I hate him, he's a champagne socialist who doesn't like easterners', said one worker in Sachsen Dorf, the depressed suburb of Cottbus.
  26. Rockoff said as New Jersey investigators explore the range of hate crimes, the common denominator is music that riles the worst instincts.
  27. "I hate the irookys because they toke over Kuwait.
  28. "I hate this," said Lea Pyles, one of the Halls' daughters. "I've never really been away from my parents for any length of time.
  29. He said police receive about 10 reports of hate crimes per month, and that other community organizations receive more.
  30. "I can see him and I'm scared and I'm full of hate," Nightowl says. "Then I wake up and I think, `I can't go down to the neighborhood because if I do, I'm going to die.'
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