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 harass ['hærəs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使困扰, 使烦恼, 折磨

  1. Political dissidents complained that they are harassed by the police.
  2. He always looks harassed.
  3. Our detachments took turns to harass them.


Harass \Har"ass\, n.
1. Devastation; waste. [Obs.] --Milton.

2. Worry; harassment. [R.] --Byron.

Harass \Har"ass\ (h[a^]r"as or h[.a]*r[a^]s"), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. {Harassed} (h[a^]r"ast or h[.a]*r[a^]st"); p. pr. & vb. n.
{Harassing}.] [F. harasser; cf. OF. harace a basket made of
cords, harace, harasse,a very heavy and large shield; or
harer to set (a dog) on.]
To fatigue; to tire with repeated and exhausting efforts;
esp., to weary by importunity, teasing, or fretting; to cause
to endure excessive burdens or anxieties; -- sometimes
followed by out.

[Troops] harassed with a long and wearisome march.

Nature oppressed and harass'd out with care. --Addison.

Vext with lawyers and harass'd with debt. --Tennyson.

Syn: To weary; jade; tire; perplex; distress; tease; worry;
disquiet; chafe; gall; annoy; irritate; plague; vex;
molest; trouble; disturb; torment.

  1. Baruso was found liable for conspiracy to monitor, harass, intimidate and operate against Marcos opponents while Malabed was found liable for the conspiracy charge and for negligence for not keeping the intelligence operations in check.
  2. "The police see you as a bad guy because you live in Orchard Park," a housing project in Roxbury, said James Hendrick, a senior who wants to become a police officer. "The police harass me everyday.
  3. "My responsibility is to come around, which I do, bother them, harass them.
  4. Ed Ammann, assistant police chief, denied the allegation Thursday, saying police enforce laws, not harass homosexuals.
  5. They also want anulled a 1970 criminal law called the "defense of public peace" that was widely used under Stroessner to harass dissidents for allegedly doing such things as "inspiring class hatred" among Paraguayans.
  6. Those who harass and intimidate women at a painful moment in their lives gain no sympathy for their cause; and those who believe that the court has declared "war against women" fail to comprehend this difficult, complex problem.
  7. Restraining orders _ which generally forbid a person to approach, contact or harass someone else _ have become common in domestic violence cases.
  8. The idea is not to harass employees who fall into those categories but to save some of the company's $17 million-a-year outlay for medical insurance and medical costs, executive vice president Harry DeShong said.
  9. Asked whether Noriega would become a fugitive leader of rebellious troops that would harass U.S. forces, Powell said: "He can do that, and we will chase him and we will find him.
  10. Al-Ajmi said resistance was "getting weaker." "Resistance is not really organized," he said. "A number of Kuwaiti soldiers and civilians have banded together in resistance nests and occasionally harass the Iraqis.
  11. "The task force has been reckless in their investigation and have done nothing but harass my brother, family and friends," Stevens said.
  12. In the first two months of this year, a further 27 incidents were registered. Operation Rescue and affiliated organisations have been particularly active in Florida, using what are known as 'impact teams' to harass both clinic personnel and patients.
  13. He said Dukakis would raise taxes, harass Americans with IRS audits, weaken national defense and formulate an isolatinist foreign policy.
  14. The church group told Mr. Burnham that "a particular conservative senator," disturbed at the council's political stands, had gotten the IRS to harass the council.
  15. Members of a secret intelligence unit planted bombs, were suspects in political killings and plotted to harass Archbishop Desmond Tutu by sending him a baboon fetus, an intelligence official said Monday.
  16. "What this decision does is gives police the authority to arbitrarily harass homeless and poor people," said Doug Lasdon, an attorney from the Legal Action Center for the Homeless.
  17. But if Turkey no longer Provides Comfort after June, the diabolical Saddam can be expected to harass the Kurds in the middle of Mr. Bush's re-election drive.
  18. And once a woman gets up in the power structure, she'll be protected by the structure, the same as a man.' Nobody denies that women harass men.
  19. The object is to harass and disrupt their operations.
  20. Now Azerbaijan is another country, and its borders bristle with local militia and heavily armed bandits who harass the Johnson trucks.
  21. It has also been used to harass members of the minority Moslem community, or even to settle landlord-tenant disputes.
  22. The Slorc uses the Military Intelligence Services to intimidate and harass real or imagined government critics after they have been freed, the human rights group says. Amnesty also highlights the plight of members of ethnic minorities.
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