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 hang-ups 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Unfortunately the Tories have too many moralistic hang-ups about reform and Labour too many inhibitions about 'selectivity' to do this as well as they might.
    2. Trygve Myhren, chief executive officer of Time Inc.'s 80%-owned American Television & Communications Corp. unit, said he sees "no major hang-ups" to the completion of the sale.
    3. When it comes to selling a brothel, the Internal Revenue Service has a few hang-ups.
    4. I believe them to be prisoners of the same gorily malfunctioning maleness that leads to wars and death camps. If you ask me, they have grievous sexual hang-ups.
    5. Hungary's establishment has overcome one of Marxism's oldest ideological hang-ups: Even a Communist, it admits, can suffer a tortured soul.
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