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 haired   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有毛发的, 长着...头发的

  1. He has wiry hair.
  2. Theirs are the children with very fair hair.
  3. Having the form of a hair.

[ adj ]
having or covered with hair
Jacob was a hairy mana hairy caterpillar

Haired \Haired\ (h[^a]rd), a.
1. Having hair. ``A beast haired like a bear.'' --Purchas.

2. In composition: Having (such) hair; as, red-haired.

  1. "I was planning to rob this woman all along," said the curly haired, 28-year-old prisoner. "It was all set up.
  2. I asked an adult standing in the queue with a curly haired pre-teen wearing a blue jacket with Lewistown lettered across the back.
  3. Their colorful cohorts include Rocroa the crow (Premier Michel Rocard, also a Socialist); Barzy, the kind, cuddly bear (former Premier Raymond Barre), and a curly haired goat (Culture Minister Jack Lang).
  4. The defense also entered 65 pieces of evidence and attacked the credibility of witnesses who identified Ramirez as the shaggy haired killer who entered homes through unlocked windows and doors.
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