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 guns 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The guns banged away all day.
  2. Our ship slipped through while the enemy guns were pointed in the opposite direction.

  1. It wasn't known who, if anyone, the guns were leveled upon.
  2. The panel also killed a bill that would have required the sale of guns from one private owner to another be reported to state police, and one that would have increased penalties for people caught carrying guns without permits.
  3. The panel also killed a bill that would have required the sale of guns from one private owner to another be reported to state police, and one that would have increased penalties for people caught carrying guns without permits.
  4. 3M also failed to follow up with its customers after it determined that its air guns were leaking, the NRC inspection summary said.
  5. An IRA statement in Crossmaglen said a 12-man unit used two 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns, three 7.62mm general purpose machine-guns and rifles Thursday in what it called the IRA's first successful helicopter downing.
  6. She said released hostages have told her that guards hold guns to the heads of the captives every time there is a knock on the door.
  7. Members of the Sylmar Hang Gliding Association hope they will deter people from dumping stolen cars over the sides of cliffs and shooting guns illegally in the Angeles National Forest, said group spokesman Rome Dodson.
  8. They want more freedom to use their guns.
  9. Every six seconds a half-dozen air guns fire into the water, sending a deep "thud" penetrating up to 20 kilometers into the ocean floor and bouncing back to the ship's electronic ears.
  10. The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Bill McCollum (R., Fla.), instead would direct the Justice Department to develop a system under which gun dealers can discover if potential purchasers of guns are convicted felons.
  11. "When you do not have emergency lights, you can still raise oil lamps, use the radio or shoot flare guns," he said.
  12. Government troops reportedly seized 67 vehicles equipped with machine guns.
  13. It carries no ammunition and its guns cannot be fired, the newly appointed captain says.
  14. Of course, it may turn out that the Soviet Union's "new thinking," or poor results from perestroika, will lead to an exchange of guns for butter.
  15. Fred P. Moosally, the commander of the ship, has said there were no indications of any problems with the guns before the explosion.
  16. White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwater said the move reflected no change in Bush's opposition to banning such guns but merely would enforce current law that allows for import of the guns only if they are for sporting purposes.
  17. White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwater said the move reflected no change in Bush's opposition to banning such guns but merely would enforce current law that allows for import of the guns only if they are for sporting purposes.
  18. I don't subscribe to the theory that you surround yourself with a phalanx of meat and guns." William C. Murphy, an uncle of Vice President Dan Quayle and a former executive of Eli Lilly and Co., has died at the age of 67.
  19. Americans in the nation's biggest cities killed each other in record numbers this year, a rise in carnage police blame on guns, drugs and a declining reverence for human life.
  20. Thousands of civilian women underwent arms training for militia work, some in the use of Soviet-made anti-aircraft guns.
  21. Two well-dressed visitors posing as lawyers approached the building at the same time and took out guns.
  22. Smoke billowed from the stricken targets as ground defenders fired at the Israeli aircraft with anti-aircraft guns.
  23. Former members who left the cult before the Avery killings have told authorities cult members trained with guns as part of the plot to take over the Kirtland temple.
  24. They entered, their guns drawn, searching for whomever had called dispatchers 10 times.
  25. At least 929 people were killed and 2,744 wounded before the guns were silenced by an Arab League cease-fire Sept. 22.
  26. Diplomats in Baghdad say that while a cease-fire may halt the shooting fairly soon, efforts to keep the guns silent could stretch on for years.
  27. The sources said the Libyan shipments have included heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, quantities of commercial explosives and Soviet-made SAM-7 surface-to-air missiles capable of downing helicopters and other aircraft.
  28. Ms. Perez said Mrs. Bush had adopted a new policy on controversial issues such as guns and abortion.
  29. Would you give the cops machine guns if you lived in a glass dome?
  30. The Iraqi president doesn't make any secret of his attachment to guns, torture and poison gas.
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