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 guidance ['gaɪdn.s]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 指导, 领导

[医] 导

  1. Under his guidance, we finished the work smoothly.
  2. We should not do anything under the guidance of instincts.
  3. Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person.

[ noun ]
  1. something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. the act of guiding or showing the way

  4. <noun.act>
  5. the act of setting and holding a course

  6. <noun.act>
    a new council was installed under the direction of the king

Guidance \Guid"ance\, n. [See {Guide}.]
The act or result of guiding; the superintendence or
assistance of a guide; direction; government; a leading.

His studies were without guidance and without plan.

  1. On Tuesday, Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Shamir also denied the Washington Post report that said Israeli scientists improved the guidance systems of the Chinese CSS-2 medium-range missile deployed in Saudi Arabia.
  2. During that time, scientists found that sunlight had interfered with a sensor in an infrared guidance system and a computer automatically terminated the engine burn.
  3. It was meant to give his people spiritual strength and guidance.
  4. In determining who will set the moral climate we must find leaders in public and private life whom we can look to for guidance and example and overcome the urge to perpetuate the status quo.
  5. Visitors to a factory or school are told how Kim stood on a nearby hill to order it built, then provided "on-the-spot guidance" now and then.
  6. At the short end, the two-year note was up 1/16 at 99 27/32 , to yield 6.192 per cent. For the second day, there was no fresh economic guidance to push prices out of their tight range.
  7. Top management should restrict itself to guidance and advice and stay out of the detail.
  8. 'It runs on emotion, in the population and the media, and without guidance from the government.
  9. "They've almost fully completed the deregulation of interest rates, so the next step is that window guidance be abolished." The Bank of Japan is apparently confident that it can manage the activities of banks indirectly.
  10. Khatami, father of Mohammed Khatami, the minister of culture and Islamic guidance, died Thursday of an illness at a Tehran hospital, the agency said.
  11. Its Autonetics Division had a $484.2 million prime development contract for the missile's guidance and control system that was slashed by $374 million to $110.2 million.
  12. The devices either disperse the exhaust of the helicopter's engine - making detection by a heat-seeking missile more difficult - or provide a decoy heat source that confuses a missile's guidance system, he said.
  13. But under the guidance of Messrs.
  14. Under his guidance, Topeka State Hospital became a national model for state hospitals across the country, Holzman said.
  15. In particular, a recent draft prudential note on lending policy has been criticised for being too detailed and prescriptive. Mrs Gilmore admitted that it was not easy to devise guidance that applied sensibly to the whole of the industry.
  16. The Valdez, assisted by tugboats, was expected to come into the bay on its own power under the guidance of senior San Diego harbor pilot Capt.
  17. The new Advanced Intermediate Range Air-to-Air Missile, or AMRAAM, will give pilots "launch and leave" capability because it has its own tiny but powerful radar for guidance.
  18. Seek guidance and where appropriate confirmation from a higher authority before acting. Honesty: This goes beyond simply telling the truth to ensuring that any misrepresentation is quickly corrected.
  19. The bond markets "really are looking for guidance, and the guidance will come Friday when we see a figure on the trade balance."
  20. The bond markets "really are looking for guidance, and the guidance will come Friday when we see a figure on the trade balance."
  21. MESA, Ariz. _ A bronze sculpture at the base of a neon-outlined 16-story office tower here honors real estate developer Conley Wolfswinkel's parents, "without whose love and guidance this building never would have been possible."
  22. Mirror Group, on the other hand, is profitable with a respectable debt-to-equity ratio, is considered well managed and hadn't been dependent on Mr. Maxwell's day-to-day guidance for some time, analysts say.
  23. "We cannot directly impose administrative guidance on the retailers, but the agency notifies related ministries if we receive a number of similar complaints, or if the price hike exceeds 3 percent," Ms. Asada said.
  24. "It just re-established the technical support this market has and means we'll have to keep waiting for some sort of guidance as to where to take this market next."
  25. Codes should include guidance on who an employee should speak to, ethical dilemmas and ways of coping, and give a clear statement from the company of the ethical conduct it intended to follow.
  26. PG-13 - Special parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13. Some material may be inappropriate for young children.
  27. He portrays a choeographed president, manipulated by aides and by a wife who depends on an astrologist for guidance in fixing the president's schedule.
  28. U.S. bankers grouse about rules they think make no sense, laws that seem unenforced and the ministry's "gyosei shido," or administrative guidance.
  29. He can give reassurance and understanding to those who have never been reassured or understood; he can give guidance in a world that technology changes every day.
  30. Many economists and business planners may turn to the volume for guidance as to how to improve their highly unsuccessful forecasting methods. Although they may enjoy the read, they will get little practical advice.
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