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 grommet ['grɑmɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 扣眼, 索环

[医] 金属孔眼(衣服、皮革中)

  1. If adding substantial weight inside the rim, it's more convenient to remove the grommet strips and/ or bumper, use1/2 inch wide lead tape and punch holes with an awl to accomodate the grommets.

[ noun ]
fastener consisting of a metal ring for lining a small hole to permit the attachment of cords or lines

Grommet \Grom"met\, n. [F. gourmette curb, curb chain, fr.
gourmer to curb, thump, beat; cf. Armor. gromm a curb, gromma
to curb.]
1. A ring formed by twisting on itself a single strand of an
unlaid rope; also, a metallic eyelet in or for a sail or a
mailbag. Sometimes written {grummet}.

2. (Mil.) A ring of rope used as a wad to hold a cannon ball
in place.

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