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 grinder ['graindә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 推磨的人, 研磨者

[化] 磨床; 磨木机; 研磨机

[医] 磨牙, 磨[床]工

  1. A coffee cup; a coffee grinder.
  2. My tie went into the grinder which cut it to pieces.
  3. The grinder was powered by a windmill.

[ noun ]
  1. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States

  2. <noun.food>
  3. grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars

  4. <noun.body>
  5. machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing

  6. <noun.artifact>
  7. a machine tool that polishes metal

  8. <noun.artifact>

Grinder \Grind"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, grinds.

2. One of the double teeth, used to grind or masticate the
food; a molar.

3. (Zo["o]l.) The restless flycatcher ({Seisura inquieta}) of
Australia; -- called also {restless thrush} and {volatile
thrush}. It makes a noise like a scissors grinder, to
which the name alludes.

4. A submarine sandwich. [local, U.S.]

Syn: submarine, hoagie.

{Grinder's asthma}, {Grinder's phthisis}, or {Grinder's rot}
(Med.), a lung disease produced by the mechanical
irritation of the particles of steel and stone given off
in the operation of grinding.

Sub \Sub\, n.
1. A subordinate; a subaltern. [Colloq.]

2. a shortened form of {submarine}, the boat.

3. a shortened form of {submarine sandwich}; also called
{hero}, {hero sandwich}, and {grinder}.

submarine sandwich \sub`ma*rine" sand"wich\, n.
A large sandwich on an elongated roll, usually incompletely
cut into two halves, filed with various cold cuts, meatballs,
lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, olives, etc., and spiced
variously, and often having oil or other dressing applied;
called also {hoagie}, {hero}, {hero sandwich}, {grinder},
{sub}, {submarine}, {poor boy}, and {Italian sandwich}. A
single such sandwich may consitute a substantial meal. Very
large variants are sometimes prepared for social gatherings
and cut into pieces for individual consumption.

hoagie \hoagie\, hoagy \hoagy\n.
a large sandwich on a long crusty roll that is split
lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and
onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used
in different sections of the U. S., such as {hero},
{grinder}, and {submarine}.

Syn: bomber, grinder, hero, hero sandwich, hoagie, Cuban
sandwich, Italian sandwich, poor boy, sub, submarine,
submarine sandwich, torpedo, wedge, zep.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. In addition to the usual assortment of puppies, kittens, reptiles and fish, the store has a leopard that stars in commercials, a duck that used to appear on a children's program and an organ grinder's monkey that shares his cage with a toy fox terrier.
  2. The remaining six had to be unchained by a special squad of New York City police who used an electric grinder, police said.
  3. BT's press office said last night that Hepher had wanted to debate the subject with the 'organ grinder, rather than the organ grinder's assistant'.
  4. BT's press office said last night that Hepher had wanted to debate the subject with the 'organ grinder, rather than the organ grinder's assistant'.
  5. A tony shopping mall has given a 72-year-old organ grinder the boot after 29 years because he and his monkeys aren't fancy enough for the upscale stores.
  6. They crashed when the rail grinder failed to stop before a point where two sets of track converge, he said.
  7. He had lost $30,000. "That trade told me that the market was going to be a meat grinder," he says.
  8. If King Hussein was the organ grinder, about the only role that leaves for the West is that of the little monkeys begging for favors from the monster it created.
  9. "We got put through a meat grinder," says Mr. Halmi.
  10. In the 1989-90 crop year, the Soviet Union was the fourth largest grinder of cocoa beans in the world, at 170,000 metric tons.
  11. At the time of his arrest Mr. Guez was carrying $9,000 in cash and a cylinder later described in court as a cocaine grinder.
  12. But Mr Clarke remains the organ grinder. Yesterday's cut is the first one of just half a point since May 1992, which suggests that the exceptional period of large cuts that followed sterling's exit from the ERM is now over.
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