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 grenade [gri'neid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 手榴弹

  1. A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.
  2. A hand grenade is a missile weapon.
  3. Axis Grenade area of effect increased.

[ noun ]
a small explosive bomb thrown by hand or fired from a missile

Grenade \Gre*nade"\, n. [F. grenade a pomegranate, a grenade, or
Sp. granada; orig., filled with seeds. So called from the
resemblance of its shape to a pomegranate. See {Carnet},
{Grain} a kernel, and cf. {Pomegranate}.] (Min.)
A hollow ball or shell of iron filled with powder of other
explosive, ignited by means of a fuse, and thrown from the
hand among enemies.

{Hand grenade}.
(a) A small grenade of iron or glass, usually about two and a
half inches in diameter, to be thrown from the hand into
the head of a sap, trenches, covered way, or upon
besiegers mounting a breach.
(b) A portable fire extinguisher consisting of a glass bottle
containing water and gas. It is thrown into the flames.
Called also {fire grenade}.

{Rampart grenades}, grenades of various sizes, which, when
used, are rolled over the pararapet in a trough.

  1. One hijacker appeared in the door of the plane with a hand grenade in his upraised fist.
  2. Investigators believe the ring made millions by purchasing handguns, assault rifles and grenade launchers from Lebananese militiamen.
  3. A hand grenade exploded early Sunday on the crowded dance floor of a nightclub, killing one man and wounding 37 people, police said.
  4. Mr. Muntz saw no grenade thrown and no "long knives."
  5. Some of the tense crowd apparently suspected another Protestant assault following the gun and grenade attack at Milltown Catholic cemetery.
  6. Kenneth James Meller, 48, was shot after the officers tossed a concussion grenade into the office and rushed in. "Meller made some sort of move.
  7. Sgt. Gideon Rodrigo, the Sindangan police station commander, said about 30 members of the communist New People's Army fired simultaneously on the two houses with M-16 rifles and M-203 grenade launchers.
  8. The U.S. Embassy officials said the only damage from the grenade attack on the building was to the roof, which sustained minor damage.
  9. In another incident, witnesses said a man in a uniform threw a smoke grenade into a mosque near Johannesburg Wednesday night, injuring two worshipers.
  10. But witnesses, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said police opened fire at civilians and killed 16 after Moslem militants hurled a grenade at a jeep.
  11. I just didn't think they could do it so soon." Assailants fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the home of a PLO official Saturday, wounding two passers-by, police said.
  12. A grenade exploded near a group of people standing next to a police station near Cape Town, injuring 13 people, including 10 policemen, authorities said.
  13. Haifa Police Chief Yaacov Haviv said he is certain terrorists staged a Saturday night hand grenade attack in Haifa.
  14. Police said two people were killed and three wounded in the clash with automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers a few blocks from where the western captives are believed held.
  15. The ex-marine reportedly kept a hand grenade in his office with a plaque attached that reads: "God, I love war."
  16. Shortly after the Boeing 727 leaves Athens, some passengers hear a commotion from the rear of the jetliner as two Shiite Moslem gunmen run screaming down the aisle, brandishing a hand grenade and a chrome-plated pistol.
  17. U.S. soldiers were attacked several times, most seriously in July, when seven soldiers visiting a discotheque were injured by a grenade.
  18. A 36-year-old white man accused of lobbing a hand grenade into a crowd of blacks during a racial melee could be charged with as many as nine counts of attempted murder, police said.
  19. Can you get 'em out?' "He (the lieutenant) said the only way to get them out was with a hand grenade.
  20. In separate attacks, shots were reported fired at a police patrol and at a police station and a grenade was thrown at an army barracks.
  21. One young boy's face was destroyed." Her stand is about 30 feet from where the grenade exploded at a shack-like structure that sold cheap lunches and snacks of cheese-filled tortillas.
  22. An unidentified assailant threw a grenade at a home in the central Philippines, killing a mother and her four children as they slept, a military report said Saturday.
  23. On Jan. 8, an assailant believed to be Orthodox hurled a grenade into a sex shop in downtown Jerusalem, damaging the shop but injuring no one.
  24. His death Monday in his hometown of Figueras, Spain, at the age of 84, ended a life filled with eccentricities and a creative streak that touched the art world like a live grenade.
  25. ANC operations in South Africa, mostly grenade and mine explosions, reached an all-time high of 234 incidents in 1987, according to South African government statistics.
  26. In a rare armed attack, an assailant hurled a grenade at an Israeli car near the West Bank's Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim on Wednesday, Israel radio and the Itim news agency said.
  27. An ANC statement said the assailants hurled a grenade and fired shotguns in the attack.
  28. Last July 11, Arab terrorists launched a grenade and machine gun attack that killed nine people and injured 98 others aboard the City of Poros ship as it was returning to Athens from a Greek island cruise.
  29. Authorities in the Philippines arrested a suspected communist rebel, armed with a grenade and a pistol, shortly before President Aquino spoke at a political rally in Tacloban, about 360 miles southeast of Manila.
  30. The grenade went off Tuesday night in a home full of mourners on the outskirts of Santiago de Maria, about 70 miles east of the capital, said Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Jose Galileo Torres.
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