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 gratis ['gretɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 免费地, 白送地

a. 免费的

[经] 免费

  1. We provide gratis service.
  2. Wine is gratis.
  3. Entrance is gratis.

[ adv ]
  1. without payment

  2. <adv.all>
    I'll give you this gratis
[ adj ]
  1. costing nothing

  2. <adj.all>
    complimentary tickets
    free admission

Gratis \Gra"tis\ (gr[a^]"t[i^]s or gr[=a]"t[i^]s), adv. [L.,
contr. fr. gratiis out of favor or kindness, without
recompense, for nothing, fr. gratia favor. See {Grace.}]
For nothing; without fee or recompense; freely; gratuitously.

  1. Brokers said the market had been expecting the company to announce a gratis issue of around 10%.
  2. Stressed Address To those with uneventful lives I present this tidbit gratis: We harried ones would envy you For having a quo that's status.
  3. Monday's distinctive winner was CSK, which announced unusually large 1-for-2 gratis distributions Friday after the market closed.
  4. Traders reported many buy orders for Nintendo stock, which closed at a limit high of 16,400 yen ($118) after the company announced a gratis share offering today.
  5. Nintendo's surge early this week came after its announcement of a 50% gratis issue.
  6. Edwards served his last four years gratis.
  7. The 21-pound lobster almost got cooked and served Nov. 30 in Shucker's Oyster Bar in Charlotte, N.C. But after some publicity from an animal rights group, manager Kurt Larkins decided to give Lobzilla to the group, gratis.
  8. But the report rekindled speculation that companies such as Sony, with strong earnings performances, could carry out similarly large gratis issues, traders said.
  9. If the traveller makes a one-off payment for the nine passes, four more are gratis. The innovation comes alongside a 3 per cent average increase in prices which still leaves Italian fares well below the average European level.
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